Author Topic: ALS Ice Bucket chalange  (Read 9848 times)

What the forget does ALS do anyways

It's Lou Gherrig's Disease

It's also not the first time you've used the "if I'd cared enough" excuse as well. If you don't care don't ask. If you want an answer google it. LMGTFY will only make you look like a moron who can't use google if you are a moron who can't use google, and that is seeming more and more evident every time you try to use these forums as a search engine. In this scenario LMGTFY is not used to "make yourself feel smarter and better than the inquirer" it is used to make a point which is look it up yourself.
Going through a thread posting completely useless comments such as "wtf is..." is just stuffposting, there is no reason for the post to even exist. If you were to contribute to conversation then you would go and learn what it is and further discuss it. Instead of doing that, however, you have a habit of wasting other peoples time because you can't be bothered either finding out for yourself or just not posting.
I am wasting nobody's time. You said it yourself, if you dont care, dont post. Im not forcing anybody to answer my question. You guys choose.
these forums are not my "search engine" I google about 99% of my questions. The rest of them I either ask people IRL or on the internet.

LMGTFY is used to make me look like an idiot. Have you ever clicked on one before. At the end it states "now was that so hard" which is insinuating that I dont even know how to google something.
so why would someone use a LMGTFY instead of simply saying "Google it" or just not even post at all and save your precious time that I seem to be wasting.

LMGTFY is a way to make yourself feel smarter and better than the inquirer. So yes, it makes you loom like a smart ass.

But it does make them smarter and better because the inquirer wasn't smart enough to use Google themselves.


But it does make them smarter and better because the inquirer wasn't smart enough to use Google themselves.

lack of intelligence is not the only reason somebody wouldnt google something.

I chose not to google it. That doesnt mean I dont know how.

But it does make them smarter and better because the inquirer wasn't smart enough to use Google themselves.

lack of intelligence is nlt the only reason somebody wouldnt google something.

I chose not to google it. That doesnt mean I dont know how.

Then you've made a stupid choice. #rekt

How is that in anyway stupid?

I like to communicate with people, I ask questions. What about that is unintelligent
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 12:18:07 PM by Starkiller »

so why would someone use a LMGTFY instead of simply saying "Google it" or just not even post at all and save your precious time that I seem to be wasting.
So you have a problem with someone using LMGTFY instead of saying "google it" or not posting
But it's more reasonable to make a post here that contributes nothing to the thread rather than googling it or not posting.
Google it.
lack of intelligence is not the only reason somebody wouldnt google something.

I chose not to google it. That doesnt mean I dont know how.
That's worse (and obvious, no one actually thinks you can't use google)
You are deliberately posting unnecessary questions for no reason, why do you ask these questions here and not google them like the other 99% of the time?
Looking something up to discuss it = good
Posting pointless "wtf is x" with no contribution = bad
Making a stupid choice on purpose doesn't make it better.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 12:20:08 PM by Clone v.117 »

How is that in anyway stupid?

I like to communicate with people, I ask questions. What about that is unintelligent

the fact we're still discussing this bullstuff is unintelligent. None of this would've happened if you just made the smart choice to google it yourself and/or not bitch about other people googling stuff for you, genius.

Google it.
why would I? I already know what it is thanks to someone who was wiling to communicate with me and answer a simple question, rather than attempt to make me look like an idiot

ok, google something = intelligent
asking somebody a question = moron

gg guys im done with you
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 12:22:27 PM by Starkiller »

why would I? I already know what it is thanks to someone who was wiling to communicate with me and answer a simple question, rather than attempt to make me look like an idiot
No one would have made you look stupid if you didn't say something stupid.

asking somebody a question when you don't have to = moron



and this thread is now about someone complaining about lmgtfy

never change, forums

Lets not derail the thread or else this thread is...forgeted

I've been nominated for one. Might do it tomorrow, or make a joke on with 1 icecube and a few drops of warm water. We'll see how it goes :)

I've been nominated for one. Might do it tomorrow, or make a joke on with 900 icecubes and no  drops of warm water. We'll see how it goes :)
fixie fix