Author Topic: FM | Filmmakers  (Read 10438 times)

we're making a script for a short tomorrow, if the public wants to suggest some ideas, that would be great (no gameshow)

Ill apply In-game Name:Shiftymc(ihatechica)
Skype Username:(Dont have one)
The fields you're applying for:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 08:04:54 PM by badguy098 »

Ill apply In-game Name:Shiftymc(ihatechica)
Skype Username:(Dont have one)
The fields you're applying for:
you do not apply like this. i will not let you in if you apply like this
read the application process 15 times and then read it once more and then submit the application

Ive met the owner before in prison escape and ive sent an app but i dont reckon ill get in... :(

3 people in a row have gotten the application wrong, and it's been pissing me off. let me show you how to do it.

in-game name: gytyyhgfffff
skype username: garycactus1976
blockland id: 26879
what i'm applying for: director (, actor (, writer (, cameraman (, voice actor (vocaroo or a download or anything else linked here), builder (

now that i've shown how to do it, please get it right. if you've already applied, i'm giving you one chance to fix it (you don't have to have every single field in there, just the ones you're applying for)
anyone else that does it wrong will not be let in the clan, because if you can't follow basic directions, i can't expect you to follow what i'm asking you to do for anything else

So, are we doing anything soon? I haven't heard anything lately from skype and the server isn't up.

Also this happened i guess

we're making a script for a short tomorrow, if the public wants to suggest some ideas, that would be great (no gameshow)

i've been having to worry about school lately, but now i can devote some major time to doing stuff
i hope to get a script done this week, and i'm going to be pounding everyone hard to work on the script