Author Topic: How do you deal with a situation like mine? -serious thread-  (Read 1515 times)

Recently one of my friends left me with a message that sounded very like a Self Delete message.

She's way too far away from me (Sarasota, VA), her girlfriend can't reach her, she isn't answering any of my texts, what do I do?

Now all my friends are beginning to argue and it's just piling on the anger and frustration and depression towards me.

What do I do? It's becoming more of a problem the more I think about it, and I don't want my best friend that's been with me for almost 7 years to commit Self Delete or leave forever!

I know I shouldn't ask you guys for help, but this is the only place I have. I can't afford therapy or stuff like that, and I'm just in a constant circle of confusion.

I've been listening to this for the past hour:

Here's the chat, names were removed to protect the innocent.

Quote from: skype
[7:39:50 PM] Anon: [7:37 PM] Anon

<<< Anon
about a minute ago via Skype
[7:41:21 PM] -me-: What?
[7:41:26 PM] -me-: WHAT?
[7:41:45 PM] Anon: Gosh...
[7:42:24 PM] -me-: I-
[7:42:34 PM] -me-: I can't believe this.
[7:42:43 PM] -me-: What's gonna happen?
[7:43:47 PM] -me-: Will we not see anon again?
[7:44:35 PM] Anon: NO wait no, what's she going to do I can't.
[7:45:01 PM] -me-: If you can, you have to stop her.
[7:45:38 PM] Anon: You're the closest one to her, anon.
[7:45:45 PM] Anon: I'm so scared.
[7:45:51 PM] -me-: Please.
[7:45:57 PM] -me-: Do something.
[7:45:59 PM] Anon: Wait what's going on..?
[7:46:19 PM] -me-: To me it sounds like Self Delete.
[7:46:34 PM] Anon: ...
[7:46:36 PM] Anon: It sounds increasingly so like that.
[7:46:42 PM] Anon: anon, you must help her.
[7:47:02 PM] Anon: She wouldn't do that.
[7:47:05 PM] Anon: She is not an idiot.
[7:47:08 PM] Anon: She said it multiple times.
[7:47:15 PM] Anon: She attempted it earlier in the year/last year.
[7:47:21 PM] Anon: So damn what.
[7:47:28 PM] Anon: She clearly said she wouldn't do it again.
[7:47:37 PM] Anon: Because she knew it would be extremely stupid.

[7:49:00 PM] Anon: She didn't go back to smoking.
[7:49:07 PM] Anon: Yes. She didn't.
[7:49:07 PM] Anon: ............
[7:49:10 PM] Anon: You're clueless.
[7:49:13 PM] Anon: ...
[7:49:15 PM] Anon: No, she did.
[7:49:23 PM] Anon: She's been smoking?!!
[7:49:34 PM] Anon: When did you hear this
[7:49:40 PM] Anon: She's not 'addicted', but she does like a pack a month.
[7:49:41 PM] Anon: From her.
[7:49:45 PM] Anon: Oh.
[7:49:45 PM] Anon: ...
[7:49:47 PM] Anon: That's old news.
[7:49:50 PM] Anon: I said when not who
[7:49:58 PM] Anon: Like, 2-ish months ago
[7:50:06 PM] Anon: 2 months?
[7:50:14 PM] Anon: Been going on for very longer than that.
[7:50:21 PM] Anon: she said she wouldn't do it much though.
[7:50:29 PM] Anon: anon should know of it...
[7:50:33 PM] Anon: After all.
[7:50:35 PM] Anon: Can we get to the more worrying matter at hand?!?!?
[7:50:36 PM] Anon: She's the one closest to her.
[7:50:49 PM] Anon: And after all...
[7:51:07 PM] Anon: Smoking completely changes someone's mouth.
[7:51:13 PM] Anon: But anyway.
[7:51:14 PM] Anon: Anon sighs
[7:52:12 PM] Anon: ...So...What do we do now
[7:52:18 PM] -me-: I don't know. I'm scared.
[7:52:48 PM] Anon: She just went offline on gmail.
[7:52:51 PM] Anon: She's still here.
[7:52:52 PM] Anon: Anon.
[7:52:57 PM] Anon: you live close to her, don't you?
[7:53:54 PM] Anon: Well I know what I'll do right now. Shower this stress off.
[7:53:54 PM] Anon: If you do.
[7:53:58 PM] Anon: You know exactly what to do, Anon.
[7:54:21 PM] Anon: She moved.
[7:54:38 PM] Anon: I hope she's alright...
[7:54:41 PM] Anon: SHe moved and I don't know whrer the house is.
[7:54:46 PM] -me-: ...
[7:54:47 PM] Anon: Do you have her number?
[7:54:49 PM] Anon: You should have.
[7:54:51 PM] -me-: I do.
[7:54:56 PM] Anon: What is his dads name
[7:55:11 PM] Anon: Nobody knows.
[7:55:20 PM] Anon: she usually refers to him as "dad" "father" or "fat forget".
[7:55:24 PM] Anon: I have her cell but she's not answering
[7:55:39 PM] Anon: There's so much she hid from me...
[7:57:10 PM] *** Anon has left ***
[7:58:40 PM] Anon: :/
[7:59:24 PM] Anon: I don't wanna lose anyone else what the forget is wrong with this bloody world!!!!!!!!
[7:59:42 PM] Anon: Anon.
[7:59:44 PM] Anon: Calm down.
[7:59:44 PM] -me-: You know what.
[7:59:45 PM] -me-: Done.
[7:59:48 PM] -me-: I'm loving done.
[7:59:48 PM] Anon: Everything is going to be fine.
[7:59:49 PM] -me-: Goodbye.
[7:59:50 PM]*** -me- has left. ***

Call her local police department and report a possible Self Delete at her address (if you have it). If possible, ask them to notify you when they've arrived at the address and assessed the situation.

oh hell
i've been in situations like this 3(?) times
every time it's been terrible, and I'm left not knowing what to say/do.
fortunately, somehow the dumb stuff i've said has kept them from doing y'know, Self Delete

Call her local police department and report a possible Self Delete at her address (if you have it). If possible, ask them to notify you when they've arrived at the address and assessed the situation.

This isn't possible because I don't have the address.
The one I had is old, she moved away from that one a while ago.

This isn't possible because I don't have the address.
The one I had is old, she moved away from that one a while ago.

Unless you're in contact with her family or can somehow get her address, there's not much you can do. The only option I can probably provide you is to use Spokeo.

do you know her actual name and her city?

This isn't possible because I don't have the address.
The one I had is old, she moved away from that one a while ago.
call her local PD and give them her number, they should be able to find her address just from that

call the cops and tell the name, they know her address

loving christ, she said she was only grounded. I got so worried.

Now there's boyfriend/girlfriend (or girlfriend/girlfriend?????) issues going on, and this makes me feel worse.

What am I supposed to do?

...Look, I'm going to sleep. I'll check the thread in the morning and if you guys are talking stuff I'll just lock it.

someone told me about something that happened to them once. and I didn't know how to handle it. I just said some incredibly inadequate whatever. I think it was just like, "oh..." or something
idk. but I regret that a lot. and idk how to apologize for it. much less do I know what I really would've said if I'd been a better friend when they told me
loving christ, she said she was only grounded. I got so worried.
I would be so pissed

loving christ, she said she was only grounded. I got so worried.
What the literal forget

Now there's boyfriend/girlfriend (or girlfriend/girlfriend?????) issues going on, and this makes me feel worse.
what kind of issues?

loving christ, she said she was only grounded. I got so worried.
You better teach her about the boy who cried wolf.

Also, while not a nice thing to consider, don't get so hung up on your friends.
It's not fair of them to put such stress on you and to scare you, particularly when they're saying these sorts of things to friends who they don't have person-to-person contact with.

Also, while not a nice thing to consider, don't get so hung up on your friends.
It's not fair of them to put such stress on you and to scare you, particularly when they're saying these sorts of things to friends who they don't have person-to-person contact with.


As a good friend I wouldn't be sending faux-Self Delete notes to people I care about. And I wouldn't expect any of my friends to do the same.