
Is it because of the following...

It's not realistic...
3 (3.8%)
Waste of my time
12 (15.2%)
Bad Admin (noob/newbie hosts)
15 (19%)
I just don't like it
9 (11.4%)
4 (5.1%)
I hate the people who play it
2 (2.5%)
Everyone uses the same [Iban's] mod
20 (25.3%)
other... (please type it)
14 (17.7%)

Total Members Voted: 79

Author Topic: Why does the majority hate the City RPG mod?  (Read 3911 times)


Please specify why?

Because most of the time, it has a lack of good staff. I like them, they're fun, but they need to work a little harder.

The City RPG mod itself is fine, but it's very overused in servers and nobody seems to be able to host it correctly, which is quite annoying.

Crappy towns and waaay too many criminals.

boring deathmatches

awful builds, for the most part, plus the common mods are overused and overall have poor execution.

because it's broken and people try to fix it by piling on more broken pieces

I hate it because the coding is a clusterforget of absolute stuff in just about every city RPG I've ever played.

I hate it because the coding is a clusterforget of absolute stuff in just about every city RPG I've ever played.
that's weird how you can see the coding client-sided

that's weird how you can see the coding client-sided
99% of hosts use a variation on one of the various poorly-coded systems and make other poorly-coded edits to it that often have tons of backdoors in it.

Take /Ty's cityrpg which he has freely released on his website. It has over forty backdoors in it. I checked.

Nobody's made a really good CityMod server in forever
Last ones I can really remember were Tape's and Tezuni's I may be getting the name wrong it was hosted a long time ago

Off Topic:
It has over forty backdoors in it. I checked.
Holy crap.

I agree from my attempt at trying to host one, mostly its bad admins and having an unstable RPG mod. plus all servers use the same mod now adays.

Bad administration, duplicator cities that were built in 10 minutes, infinite money exploits, static job systems, terrible "economy" systems that require donations to function, drugs, backwards as forget coding that calls the same function 50 times a second instead of tying it to a variable, exploits that allow you to place any admin brick, backdoors, "innovation" by moving a command to a terminal brick, jobs with jets, free vehicles, lag and crash exploits, magical forces that stop you from getting into a vehicle, licenses that exist solely to inconvenience and delay progress, education system that requires you to sit and do absolutely nothing to progress, rules like "no killing inside bank", CPU-hogging code, and a stuff host that has no idea what they're doing.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 04:39:08 AM by Plexious »

Bad administration, duplicator cities that were built in 10 minutes, infinite money exploits, static job systems, terrible "economy" systems that require donations to function, drugs, backwards as forget coding that calls the same function 50 times a second instead of tying it to a variable, exploits that allow you to place any admin brick, backdoors, "innovation" by moving a command to a terminal brick, jobs with jets, free vehicles, lag and crash exploits, magical forces that stop you from getting into a vehicle, education system that requires you to sit and do absolutely nothing to progress, rules like "no killing inside bank", CPU-hogging code, and a stuff host that has no idea what they're doing.

Pretty much all these across the board.

Some people have hosted really good City RPG servers before, but finding a good one today is next to, or flat out impossible.

The only thing people do after just sitting around for hours gaining digital numbers to their bank is either commit crime, or arrest people who do commit crime. Those are the two most popular job sets on City RPG servers, everything else is a sit and wait money game.

City RPG is being used and abused by code kiddies and handicaps alike, giving it such a horrible reputation, I doubt I will see an excellent City RPG server ever again in my life time.

...Unless CityMod actually isnt dead, and takes off.