Author Topic: Battle station Thread  (Read 1891 times)

Post your battle station.

can you run battlefield 4 on the hot wheels thing

I only used flash because it was otherwise far to to grainy to see.

can you run battlefield 4 on the hot wheels thing
I can run it maxed @ 64x32 360FPS

I should get another or 2 more monitors. Smaller, maybe.

I won't call it a battle station because that's a dumb word to use, but here's my beast of a laptop:

I won't call it a battle station because that's a dumb word to use, but here's my beast of a laptop:

Where did you get that mouse?

Where did you get that mouse?
I ordered it on Newegg to match my laptop. It's called the "Rosewill Jet."

When you see it from behind and then the whole ensemble from a broad view and then a better closeup of whats on there, excuse the panorama as it goofed in a small spot.  Then you can also see where I hide the damn mess with whatever I don't want on my desk.

My Monolith as I call it, then the laptop that is running Windows Server 2012 Datacenter (Yes it is completely legitimate and legally obtained) and of which I run simple LAN Minecraft servers and what not as well as my own DFS Namespace server.

Can't forget the phone of course and the Corsair H105 that a certain someone still hasn't sent me the AM3+ bracket for so I can install it.

Sorry for the big ass post, I figured might as well go big or go home

i need a chair that better supports my back