Author Topic: Making A Youtube Commuity I Need People  (Read 5167 times)

Hello Everyone! im making a youtube commutiy everyone will have a part like Blogs Lets Plays Ect Please Comment And Say

Your Name:
If your single: JUST KIDDING!
What Games You Have:
Steam Name:(Dont Have Too)
Skype Name: (Dont Have too)
thats it! My Blockland name is Forge =TGC=blackcat or Tyfoo

Hello Everyone! im making a youtube commutiy everyone will have a part like Blogs Lets Plays Ect Please Comment And Say

Your Name:
If your single: JUST KIDDING!
What Games You Have:
Steam Name:(Dont Have Too)
Skype Name: (Dont Have too)
thats it! My Blockland name is Forge =TGC=blackcat or Tyfoo
Im 16 :/
I really, REALLY don't believe you're 16.

I know my age okay? so dont tell me how old i am thank you.

theforget is a commuity, or commutiy.

This guy was spamming this crap in a Blockland server earlier too.

Your Name: xXxnosc0pxXx
Age: 7
If your single: NO i have MANY a girlfriend
What Games You Have: ALL OF THEM my dad works for Game Inc.
Steam Name: wtf is a steam
Skype Name: xXx_pusillanimous individual_destroyer_xXx

Your Name: Hot roosteret
Age: -16
If your single: I'm double
What Games You Have: My father's mother works at Treyarch, so i have only the bestest games
Steam Name: Bart stuffstomp
Skype Name: Biggus richardus

>people wonder why Youtube's going to stuff

Okay i have added you biohazzard but i need you to add me on skype Biggus richardus XD blackwolf32111 is my name :)

Okay i have added you biohazzard but i need you to add me on skype Biggus richardus XD blackwolf32111 is my name :)
oh my god

oh my god

You can not reply if something is rong and keep it to your self thank you