Author Topic: Badministrators  (Read 6859 times)

Who do you think are the worst Administrators in blockland?

Reply on what you think.

« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 05:34:19 PM by ProTear »

Tezuni. He's hardly on his servers, he appoints some bad admins, and he's not a very good admin himself.

Tezuni. He's hardly on his servers, he appoints some bad admins, and he's not a very good admin himself.

Tezuni. He's hardly on his servers, he appoints some bad admins, and he's not a very good admin himself.
This is very accurate, the lack of administration on his servers disappoints many.

Leave, No 1 wants you.

Just kidding, We all want some Tee. ;)  :cookieMonster:

Just kidding, We all want some Tee. ;)  :cookieMonster:
Nah. We all want some tea.

Tezuni. He's hardly on his servers, he appoints some bad admins, and he's not a very good admin himself.

Nuclear Bear. At some point, go to his Office RP server and read the rules. You will cringe. Hard.

This is very accurate, the lack of administration on his servers disappoints many.

Seems like a pretty good ratio to me, this screenshot doesn't show moderators (of which multiple are online).

Seems like a pretty good ratio to me, this screenshot doesn't show moderators (of which multiple are online).
How many of them actually do their job?

Nuclear Bear. At some point, go to his Office RP server and read the rules. You will cringe. Hard.