Author Topic: Due Process TDM  (Read 972 times)

What is Due Process?
A video showing off some of Due Process' gameplay is right there. It's pretty simple; Two teams, basically attackers vs defenders. The attackers get some specialized gear to help them attack while the defenders get a home field advantage and have time to plan where they're going to defend.

Server status

It's a little bit different in my version as some of the things would be a bit difficult to implement in Blockland with just VCE. I'll probably be making more buildings to attack with different layouts later, so right now it's pretty basic. I just wanted to try it out and see if it's fun or not.

Some of the features that made it into my version are:
Limited weapons. With a 5v5 match there's generally only enough primaries for 3 out of the 5 meaning two people will be forced to carry just sidearms.
Partial wall destruction. I wanted to make it so you could breach the walls, but not with just blockland's basic brick destruction, to make sure that you could always get a nice sized hole to get through or blow up bricks you don't want to blow up.
Take out the lights. You can turn off/on the lights in the building to make it a lot harder to see while fighting. Switch is very simple but I was lazy, sue me.
A "planning" phase. Attackers have a nice overview of a scaled down map to see where they can breach and how. There is 30 seconds at the start of each round before SWAT can begin their attack.


SWAT planning area

SWAT weapon selection (the 4 ARs was lowered to 2)

Building interior, you can see a wall breach area and where the terrorists can select their weapons.

Interior. You can see another wall breach area and the power switch.

Interior. The main doorway that only the SWAT members can open, along with two breaching points.

What a breachable wall looks like from inside.

One of the wall charges that a SWAT member can activate. The yellow lights change to red one by one and after three seconds it blows up, taking a portion of the wall with it.

Nice 10/10 If you don't mind

would be neat if there was a script to randomly generate the maps
I could probably set something up for it with specific requirements

I made another arena. I'll be releasing this as a gamemode when I get everything done. Server is closed.

I saw this before, great idea

I would play this, or beta test it
Looks good

so it's like
rainbow six seige