Author Topic: Instrument Weapons | New: Cordizap  (Read 16985 times)

How about a flute that shoots sideways?
That sounds fun

Provide weapon video demonstrations please.

New boss on bossbattles. Epic sax guy

You should make a tuba cannon or sousa(phone) cannon next.

You should make a tuba cannon or sousa(phone) cannon next.
This, I can imagine it playing a loud, low note when firing a chargeable cannonball, similar to the pirate cannons

Make a Sanic special weapon.

Jimi Hendrix's guitar. This is very nice!

Please make this or the panda will be sad  :panda:

I remember a game that you can swing the guitar and shoot lightning bolts out of it. I think it was Guitar Lord,somethin' like that.

What about a violin bow and arrow? Or some other related string instrument.

Sweet models and scripting!

Heh, "Typhoon Tuba".
Just rip the shockwave code.

Please do.