Author Topic: Dogling (BL_ID: 107022) Continuous Spam, Another Drama To His Name.  (Read 2370 times)

(Mind the page stretch.)
These pictures were taken on Port's WELP Server.
Dogling persisted to spam both the chat and play field with random spouts of vulgarity and simple annoyance.

A link to his forum account:;u=137544

Here are the pictures in question:

The players online at the time:

Some may take this as a reason to say: "We already know he's a troll, this drama only serves to give him attention."

While I understand the sentiment behind that statement, the point of this drama is to give him attention in a much separate way.

This is so server owners know who to ban/not admin, and helps to keep Blockland servers just a little bit cleaner.

Thanks for reading.

He just does this to look cool

Dogling was quite a richard here.

was solitaire, can confirm

I just do this to look cool

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 07:44:14 PM by Badspot »

forget off.
Not only forget off, people like you should just get their key revoked.

Doing this for stuffs and giggles is detrimental to servers and not only unnecessary, but just completely appalling behavior akin to a parasite.

He was on a WIP server. We had permission to freebuild. He's buildtexted 'snake' and done the same but with 'ayleeyen is gay' (Ayleeyen being my in-game name, of course) Later on, built a rainbow undulo 1x1f on an invisible baseplate, when you click it your player type is frozen and you can only Self Delete, unless you wait 30 seconds to be killed automatically. He called me a troll for this, came to the conclusion...

He's childish.