You're pretty much victim blaming if you say that america is responsible for creating the CIA. America invaded the middle east because al qaeda had made terrorist attacks against us, among other things. The CIA are a bunch of extremists that deserve to die. Simple as that. It doesn't loving matter what made them come up, what matters is that they deserve to be wiped off the face of the goddamn earth.
>victim blaming
1. Soviet Union aides communists in Afghanistan in their fight against the rebels
2. US wont tolerate another communist state, decides to aid the mujahedeen
3. Soviet's leave Afghanistan after low morale, Communist Afghanistan is no more.
4. Mujahedeen splits up into Al Qaeda lead by Bin Laden and the Taliban. Taliban becomes the dominate regime of Afghanistan
5. 1990 Saddam Hussein threatens stability in the Middle East by invading Kuwait. Neighboring nations also threatened.
6. Bin Laden believed that only Islamic arabs should be responsible for defending arab lands.
7. NATO rofl stomps Iraq. NATO forces occupy the middle east.
8. Bin Laden demands that NATO stop occupying Arabic nations, US continues to occupy Saudi Arabia.
9. 1993 World Trade center was bombed. Motive: US support of Israel.
10. Clinton plants of the seeds of the Iraq invasion see: Several US embassies bombed over the years. War in Chechnya, Yugoslav War
12. 1996 Bin Laden declares Holy war on the US
13. 2001, CIA and FBI knew an attack was coming. Didn't warn anybody. 9/11 happens Afghanistan invaded, Taliban regime crippled. Restrictive laws enacted in the US.
14. 2004 Iraq invaded. Saddam regime brought down. Insurgents and Al Qaida decide it is time to fight evil American imperialists, troop surge begins
16. The Sunni regime in Iraq is replaced by a Shia government. Current regime is incompetent and corrupt.
17. Boston Marathon bombed by Chechen extremists
18. Russia ups presence near Chechnya.
19. 2011, US pulls out of Iraq. Bin Laden is killed, crippiling Al Qaida
20. Revolts occur in Syria and Libya. New radical Islamic groups like CIA and ISIL arise to combat the FSA, Syrian Government, Iraqi government, and the new Kurdistan. Takes the place of Al Qaida. CIA declares war on false and non Muslims.
Educate yourself next time.