Author Topic: Komodo Dragon's Anti Brony Freebuild  (Read 5566 times)

social justice warriors unite

Why should he even care if he was perma'd on a stuffty anti-brony server in the first place?

Im p sure this is bannable.

well looks like i won't be able to go there

I hate this subject of "bronies". It's just so, peculiar at times. They're stereotyped, frowned upon, basically every negative thing, yet they're somehow still holding up. There's the ones that shove it down your throat, then there's the ones like me which bring it up when it's around. There's just so many different t-

holy stuff i realized

Bronies are like chocolate. There's different types, flavours, some come with nuts (gonna put that as the equivalent of merchandise), some don't. You'll like one piece of chocolate, or you'll be that slim forgeter that doesn't like it at all.

On Topic-ish: This dude's a friend, you don't just make a rule about something you don't like being an offense. Sure, if it's something like research, that makes sense, as it's properly not allowed. And then he goes to stereotype they're gay cigarettes. Ok.
that pertains to just saying who cares.
If you develop it then its not bannable.

On topic: I don't like gay people but I don't care if they come to my server I also hate ea but if someone came in my server with a name like "EA is god" I wouldn't care people should be allowed to like what they want and not be shunned for it

Why hate bronies :(
In my opinion bronies are innovators trying to break the loveism in which girls can like guys stuff such as COD or transformers but guys can't like girl stuff like mlp

(Sorry for double post) if someone came into my server and said " I don't like mlp." I would be like ok. But if someone came on my server and said "every single brony is a gay friend that has no life and jacks off to cartoon ponies." I would ban them because they are obviously someone who has no idea what they are talking about and just listen to stereotypes.

End rant.

Got permad for saying horse

Got permad for saying horse
Beautiful obstruction of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Beautiful obstruction of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
The earth is not the united states