Author Topic: Sensational Titles v1  (Read 682 times)

Make up some sensational news story titles or at least something that would piss/bait lots of people (if it were real)

Here I go

White Cop Arrests Black Man
Instant top viewed news story

Misread as sensational titties

Big boy forgets black man up the ass with barbwire richard

Single Mom makes thousands ever Week. You won't Believe how she does it...

Black 12 year old brutally injured by Missouri cop

actual story: child suffered 1 bullet wound

One easy trick insurance companies have been keeping secret for years!


-rock paper shotgun

White man brutally murders black woman

Did they REALLY land on the moon? Top studies show---

Westboro Baptist Church opens two new locations

Disney executive says "We will never support or help LGBT"

westboro baptist church member brutally murders homoloveual black woman

Celebrity nude leaks resurface — now with video!