Author Topic: Furdle Badmin  (Read 9160 times)

It's his server who cares

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« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 12:24:43 AM by Badspot »

^Not dismissing the topic, just saying he can do what he wants considering it's his own server.
Should have made that more clear.

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« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 12:24:56 AM by Badspot »

^Not dismissing the topic, just saying he can do what he wants considering it's his own server.
Should have made that more clear.
The more a server is organized and enjoyable, the more we (generally speaking) consider the admins to be obligated to be fair and reasonable about how and when they remove people from that experience.

Admins doing whatever they want is one of the biggest sources of drama. You have to have some consideration for your guests when you take on that role.

"my server is rly popular! that means I gotta ban people!"

Please, he's been banning people the same way for a long time. Whether it's three people at his wip server or 25 at his gta server he's used the same controversial system to ban people for years.
No, he thinks he can ban the people he hates when his server is popular to make them feel bad

No, he thinks he can ban the people he hates when his server is popular to make them feel bad
Isn't that what banning is supposed to do or am I missing something.

It's his server who cares
what in the hells
where did your sloth avatar go
what is this outrage

Isn't that what banning is supposed to do or am I missing something.
You're not a very good admin, nor person, if you're banning people purely to spite them.

Banning should be used to clean up servers and keep them running smoothly. Not to inflate an ego, or as revenge.
Sure, ban someone you don't like if that dislike will cause an issue, but if you're letting them on and letting them enjoy themselves, then banning them because they slightly annoy you once, or do something wrong on accident (which is most certainly what happened in this case), then it's just childish and spiteful.

I actually agree with Furdle here.
It's annoying as richards when you're doing something as an admin and some little kid things it'd be funny to kill you or hit you or whatever.

Haha did you even read the op? The point is he wasn't doing anything as a admin-- it's just an excuse.

I actually agree with Furdle here.
It's annoying as richards when you're doing something as an admin and some little kid things it'd be funny to kill you or hit you or whatever.
It's also quite annoying when you're banned for doing something that you didn't know you weren't supposed to do. Furdle should have told him that he was doing something important and should not be tampered with before he began, even though it was just to generate money for himself. Nonetheless he was pulling off a richard move.

Now, how people run you over in games like this and its annoying... You can't really change that. I'll break it down into a chart.

If Furdle gets mad because of getting killed in gta: blockland, I can't wait to see how he reacts when he is griefed in GTA: Online.

he probably doesn't even play other games he can't power trip in

he probably doesn't even play other games he can't power trip in
You should see him in Unturned servers where all he does is grief until someone outplays him.
It's like watching a baby loose his bottle.

^Not dismissing the topic, just saying he can do what he wants considering it's his own server.
Should have made that more clear.

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It's his server who cares

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oh, he's gone
rip in pieces

^Not dismissing the topic, just saying he can do what he wants considering it's his own server.
Should have made that more clear.

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Lol'd when he said he wasn't being dismissive but was banned anyways.