Author Topic: my laptop is failing to function correctly  (Read 330 times)

ok, so, like ever since i got this piece of toast it has been functioning extremely slow. every time i click on a window more than one time, say i'm dragging a file to a folder or trying to launch a program, my desktop stops responding and immediately everything that's running fails to load correctly. i have also been getting almost daily crashes. right now, my taskbar is grey and the only window i can use is opera, hence me posting this.

like, seriously, every time i tell the computer to do something, the window either stops responding, a ton of things pop up, the taskbar turns a color, or whatever the hell i'm doing crashes.

and don't tell me to check for viruses. i have done frequent scans with avast, bitdefender, kaspersky etc. usually i get a few pups out of my way but i am sure i have no malicious software.

this is pissing me off, i have tried putting a fan next to my laptop to keep it cool, hasn't worked. i have tried actually organizing stuff and deleting ship. i have tried ccleaner, rkill, multiple antivirus software, none have worked to my avail.

i'm asking this as a last resort, how can i fix this?

yes, this machine is a cheap piece of stuff. i got it for 300 dollars, it's supposed to be slow, but functioning like this is not acceptable.

not to mention my warranty is also expired.

System specs:
4 gigs of ram. 3 and something usable.
integrated intel graphics
2.x processor

can someone help me?

Jesus, why would they put 4gbs of ram in something with integrated graphics?

laptop is a Lenovo G500 btw

Jesus, why would they put 4gbs of ram in something with integrated graphics?
4 gigs of ram is standard for pretty much all computers that arent stuff.

Anyways, sounds like you're suffering from acute bloatware. Try uninstalling a bunch of bloatware programs from your laptop.