Author Topic: Heavy's Poot Adventure... again. (Gmod)  (Read 5786 times)

Welp, I thought it's been a while since I've actual done anything aside from random poses on gmod. So why not another adventure with Heavy?
I know, four is kinda an over kill, and I failed on the last ones. But, I thought I could start again because it has been quite a long time since the last one.

So, lets begin.
(Sorry for all the reading)

Welp, now that you know your stuff, lets begin

Check my weapons.

Waste money.
Well, in order to get money, we must sell our hat.
Bye you useless hat.

Who needs directions? You're Heavy Weapons Guy, and you can just get to the MannCoStore in a snap

Buy 3
Ask for a Dictator and Triad Trinket
now you are my heavy

fulfill my lumberjack fantasies