Author Topic: Harsh Ban for Modifying Someone's Map for Pecon7's Boss Battles?  (Read 15957 times)

Since I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong, I misunderstood the EULA that you agree to when you install the game. It says that all derivations of the software are owned by eric, and I thought that only meant derivations of the blockland program itself, not things made with the program.

As i have said before, this is not my responsibility or jurisdiction, but i would have kept him off the server simply because of the way he tried to weasel and lied to everyone. Even if he is not a threat, he is still not someone I'd want on a server I'm hosting.

As i have said before, this is not my responsibility or jurisdiction, but i would have kept him off the server simply because of the way he tried to weasel and lied to everyone. Even if he is not a threat, he is still not someone I'd want on a server I'm hosting.
forget you

forget you

You have scarred me emotionally for life with that insult.

You have scarred me emotionally for life with that insult.
do u want a hot wheels bandaid

power rangers please
srry were all out.

youll have to settle for hello kitty

im not about whats legal. i dont care about it.
and badspot would only ever care if you were making money off your build or were misrepresenting blockland across the entire internet with it somehow.

but im already in support of doing anything you want with anyone's building efforts. i am not concerned with credits or e-peen for stuff.
if i saved and used something you made, its because i found a way to have fun with it. i dont care who you are. i dont care how much work you put into it. and i will be god damned if anyone will complain to me about doing so.

forget you

jesus god loving christ in a wheelchair, you friend, im about to order a pizza and when he gets here im gonna tell him all about your little GAMES

copying the blockland build of a 5 year old is ILLEAGLE you will go to jail and reported to local authoritarians

copying the blockland build of a 5 year old is ILLEAGLE you will go to jail and reported to local authoritarians
Okay little 5 year old, go to school learn how to spell, and then come back here!

Okay little 5 year old, go to school learn how to spell, and then come back here!

If he built up a reputation as a dumbass, that's hardly our problem.
I take it back. Send help.

Now I have been Permabanned AGAIN for this reason "Rules 3/4/8/10 Prone to disrupt server!" I have no clue what this bitch Tophat means, because I am sure it was the scum-bag Tophat