Author Topic: GameRhino Studios and GRiT  (Read 1823 times)

1. Don't baby me please ... I'm 17, thanks.
Then pay for the domain yourself? It's super painless and easy. Just pay ten bucks once, and BOOM! It's yours for a year.

not really sure where the "babying" came from, seemed to me like everybody was asking legitimate questions and giving their opinion on the project.

Presentation is huge in the industry though, trying to get something like this funded without even so much as a beauty shot or some concept art is pretty much Self Delete.

Honestly I don't even think that the domain matters at all if you don't have any work to show on the project itself.

Then pay for the domain yourself? It's super painless and easy. Just pay ten bucks once, and BOOM! It's yours for a year.
I was 16 when I bought mine, though my host bought his at 14 for work. Like, really, once you actually take two minutes to look into it it's really easy. I don't know what possible reason there is to use something like Webs or whatever as anything other than a site builder.

(The image is huge but this is ONE of the Two that I just created)

This image pretty much says is all for GRiT for now.

What's been completed so far:
Health: (which slowly regenerates)(Bottom Left).
Stamina: (Bottom Center) Which indicates how long you have left to sprint. Stamina has a 3 second delay before regenerating and regenerates at a quicker rate above 50%.
FOV changes when sprinting.
Can shoot and kill enemies.
An accurate wave counter.
A Day and Night cycle (which is why there is a flashlight).
Zombies Spawning and Wave math. This is basically the control of the entire game. It calculates how many zombies spawn in each round (every second wave zombies will have their numbers increased by 1).
4 spawn points for zombies
flickering flashlight

Once I get structures in the map, zombie animations and ammo for the gun I may make a pre-alpha build (but not sure yet).

The rest of the images I have of the project are here. (2 of GRiT and 12 of a Skyrim mod that's also not done yet).

C'mon man, another zombie game? Being an indie company and all, you could at least be more original, like instead of zombies, use dinosaurs or pirates or klansmen or etc.

Zombies are just so overdone nowadays

Yeah I know... As you can see I cannot model for stuff so i'm not sure I can make a dinosaur i'll consider something though... like centipedes (not human ones).

Dude, I appreciate the fact you're trying, but...

You make me ashamed to be:

A) A game designer
B) A designer in general
C) A PR/Writing freelancer
D) Australian

Quit this studio stuff, and just make content. Get better and better, don't ever give up. Ask your friends, these forums (we have a game design megathread) and other internet places to give you constructive criticism. One day, you'll have good content.