Author Topic: Player model - Scream killer (+knife)  (Read 11592 times)

So I made some playermodel for halloween, hope you like it
Thanks to master king deaddude for the idea

Scream Killer


Scream Killer knife
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 11:28:15 PM by BlockAlpha »

Cool it gave me an good idea for a server!

omg! I love you BlockAlpha c:no homo

Is the sprint limited, or can you just sprint infinitely? If you're able to just sprint forever, I'd suggest making it limited to prevent people from just spamming sprint 24/7.

Will this be a part of some kind of gamemode? Either way it looks great.

Make a version where the mask is self-illuminating so we can set it to nearly pitch black light, and all we see is the mask.

Make a version where the mask is self-illuminating so we can set it to nearly pitch black light, and all we see is the mask.
but make it so it only glows/emits light if the knife is out

its so bad i screamed!!!