Blouke's handicap-school adventures

Author Topic: Blouke's handicap-school adventures  (Read 2067 times)

So im back at that school since the beginning of the school year, and i didnt think of making a thread about it until now

felt like making one to blog and maybe rant about what goes on at my school

So what school does OP go to?

i go to this school called Southwest Academy. basically a school for handicapped kids and kids that have problems
Here there's both elementary and high school branches

A bunch of kids here are ghetto, more have some form of autism, some are EDGY AS forget
Some are super stupid and/or illiterate and it annoys me and I want to stab my ear drums

But there are a few sane ones there who are normal and don't ever get in trouble

Here you can get manhandled (called physical management or PM) if you don't comply, get physically aggressive, or LTP (leave the program aka ditch school)

The levels of PM, from least to most severe, are as follows:
Hands-on (2 staff hold you on each side, one hand on your wrist and another below your armpit)
Standing wrap (same as hands-on except one staff holds your arm and restrains your arm from behind)
Sitting wrap (same as standing wrap but you're sitting on the floor)
Prone (1 staff sit on each side, pinning down your arms and a third on your legs)

I also should mention that I get money. like ACTUAL MONEY. and there is a level system for how much you get
5 levels in all, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest
And throughout the day you carry a paper called a chart to earn points throughout the day, and earning enough points is called "making your day"

On level 1, you need 100 out of 187 total points to make your day, more than half are bonus points
You make $1 a day plus $.01 for each bonus/ignore point for up to $.50 extra
Level 1 lasts 20 days assuming you make your day every day
Ways to drop back to day 1 are:
Physical aggression with intent to harm
Destruction of property
Get a prone
Level 2 you need 115 out of 187 total points
You make $2.00 a day plus $.01 for each bonus/ignore point for up to $1.00 extra
Lasts 10 days assuming you make your day every day
Ways to drop to level 1 day 10:
same as level 1

Level 3 and 4 charts are a bit different, they have way less points on them

Level 3, you need to make 55 of 65 work/behavior/respect points to make your day, bonus points do not count towards making your day
You get $3.00 a day and $.05 per bonus/ignore point for up to $1.50 extra
Need to attend/make your day 3/5 days of the week
Takes 10 days assuming you make your day every day
Ways to drop to level 2 day 1:
Physical aggression with intent to harm
Destruction of property
Get a prone or sitting wrap
Fail to attend/make your day 3/5 days of the week
Need to make 59 of 65 work/behavior/respect points to make your day, bonus points do not count towards making your day
You make $4.00 a day with each bonus point at $.05 each for up to $2.00 extra
Need to attend/make 4/5 days of the week
Takes 10 days assuming you make your day every day
Ways to drop to level 3 day 1:
Same as level 3, but it's 4/5 instead of 3/5

Level 5 is harder

You make your day automatically by showing up in the morning
You make $5.00 a day and can earn up to four $.50 bonus points throughout the day
Need to attend 4/5 days a week
You stay on level 5 until you drop or transfer
Ways to drop to level 4 day 1:
Any bottom box referral (will explain that later)
Failing to attend 4/5 days of the week
Any type of physical management

At the time of this post I am on level 4

There are field trips that are scheduled based on what classes you're in, such as science field trip for science class
There are also exclusive field trips for those on levels 4 and 5, fun ones that aren't necessarily educational at all

I will update this thread as I go, and hopefully get out of here and back to a normal high school

... why are you at handicap-school in the first place?

... why are you at handicap-school in the first place?
Anger issues iirc

Anger issues iirc
but I got professional help over the summer

but I got professional help over the summer
did you stop chasing dogs.

I still say its ridiculous to be placed in another school over such a minor incident.

I still say its ridiculous to be placed in another school over such a minor incident.
He gets money now which is good i guess

He gets money now which is good i guess
I get money in my school because I'm a business man. AKA someone who has stuff to sell

in PE the special ed kids change by the door
and every time I have PE I have to walk around the gross-ass special ed kids

the school sounds pretty cool aside from "physical management" and the extreme stupidity that you described

the school sounds pretty cool aside from "physical management" and the extreme stupidity that you described

I've had to be restrained at times in elementary school. It's rough.

How did OP end up at that school?

I've had to be restrained at times in elementary school. It's rough.
i had to be picked up and put over someone's shoulder in elementary school because i refused to take tums for a headache

wait if i act like a handicap i can get money

i had to be picked up and put over someone's shoulder in elementary school because i refused to take tums for a headache
why would your school offer an antacid for a headache