Clone needs cheering up, forums :(

Author Topic: Clone needs cheering up, forums :(  (Read 1283 times)

Well I guess this is where I turn to now.
I'm normally a pretty carefree guy and pride myself on being able to take almost any situation in a positive light, with very few things able to make me angry or sad.
The thing is, those few things that do make me angry make me loving livid, and right now the perfect series of unfortunate events occurred in quick enough succession to send me from 0 to pissed the absolute forget off in a matter of minutes.
I've broken down, forums, I can barely even remember the last time I cried or what it was about, yet I just spent god knows how long sitting in a cold shower crying out of pure frustration, barely able to differentiate between the sobs and shivers.
Happiness to anger, anger to sadness, one minute I'm a minor annoyance away from headbutting through a wall and the next I'm thinking about everything that's ever gone wrong.
I'm at a point in my life where I should be happiest but right now it's all just a mess, I don't know if I've ever felt so vulnerable before.
I know it's not so bad and I know I'll feel better in the morning but right now I just want anything that could possibly cheer me up.
Sorry for bringing on such a downer mood, I'll probably lock this later or not I don't know.

cheer up guy that I don't know
it will get better

Just look at your avatar for a while. If that doesn't cheer you up, nothing will.

it's ok clon

just remember that this forum loves you

Moments pass. Emotions are fleeting. All that other crap.

It sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on your emotions most of the time, you just need to change your attitude now. Think about what in your life you're happy about. Think about what you're excited for. Think about what you could do in the future. Just sit down, and be happy.

Clone-senpai, don't be sad. ;-;

epiphanies like this rly suck the life out of things

distracting yourself from these realizations with positive influence usually melts away the negative tunnel vision atmosphere

watch your favorite show, streamer, video
play a game that you have fondness toward
talk to people that have meaning to you
maybe blow it all off with other stress relieving activities such as taking a walk or a shower if you can

everything usually turns out for the better anyways, thus eventually youll feel as good as new!!1 in practice atleast

a whale fart can fill over 3000 balloons
i hope that cheers you up

Octopy have their testicles located on their head.

I've had moments like this too, I know how they feel.
Just try to forget about it and just think of all the good times you've had in the past

you will be the last person in your lifetime to die

Thanks you guys, any intense emotion is a reminder that I'm living and that's not such a bad thing.
a whale fart can fill over 3000 balloons
i hope that cheers you up
You got a chuckle :)

I started watching Eden of the East and I've calmed down a bit now. Honestly I don't think it was what actually happened that caused such a reaction, more that one had been building for a long time and chose an eventful time to finally burst. I had forgotten how good it feels to let it all out.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 09:46:19 AM by Clone v.117 »