Author Topic: Bronson Conroy Redux - So bad, it's still bad  (Read 5207 times)

inspect surroudings

Well, it's a whole lot of nothing, for starters.


You'd...better not. Doesn't look too safe to ju-

AH forget


After that bizarre vertical endeavor, you land, unharmed, for some miraculous reason

Check that poster, i bet it's a limited edition!

Check that poster, i bet it's a limited edition!

It's some stuffty overbrightened poster. You don't feel like there'd be much resale value on this thing.

Quickly rip the gross poster and see if there is anything behind it.

Check the map(?) on the wall behind you.

Check that panel near the poster

i told you about the stories bro
i told you dog!

anyways, look at map, see where you are, search for nearest restaurant

Kick the map for no logical reason whatsoever.

Quickly rip the gross poster and see if there is anything behind it.

You tear the poster off, revealing...

a dark spot on the wall, and some upside-down gobblygook on the back

Check that panel near the poster

The panel has a touchscreen, with a command prompt.

type "login root <password>" into the terminal, replacing <password> with the stuff on the back of the poster

Rip off poster, copy password into terminal, punch the fcking window you piece of shi

type "login root <password>" into the terminal, replacing <password> with the stuff on the back of the poster
Rip off poster, copy password into terminal, punch the fcking window you piece of shi

You type the password into the computer.

Something heavy clunks behind you.

punch the terminal, punch the door, punch the window, punch yourself, then promptly inspect door.

punch the terminal, punch the door, punch the window, punch yourself, then promptly inspect door.

The shards of the screen embed in your fist.

This is by far your worst plan.

Go back.

inspect door; gently feel the terminal and window