Author Topic: [OFFLINE] TARDIS Build - Make your own flying, bigger on the inside TARDIS!  (Read 4515 times)

A TARDIS build with a script to make your TARDIS vehicle bigger on the inside, and give it the ability to fly through all of time and space!
The TARDIS build is a server pretty much dedicated to TARDIS building specifically. It uses a script to let you use a vehicle(yes we have police boxes) to enter your TARDIS interior & control it from there. The script can't be found on the forums and is specific to this server[temporarily] To summarize: We're doctor who fanboys who sit in a box expanding it all day. The server also uses the Bedroom static map.
How it works
First, you find a spot to build your interior. Since you could build through staticmaps, most people with build this under the bedroom. Build your interior and event your door Player > TARDIS_Exit. Next, go to your door and type /savePosition . Go to where you want your TARDIS vehicle spawn to be, spawn a TARDIS vehicle, then type /linkTardis and click the spawn. Now click to enter!
Other events:
TARDIS_Cam - Working, lets you see the TARDIS in an orbit cam
TARDIS_Control - Control your TARDIS without leaving it.
TARDIS_MaterializeUI - WIP, doesn't do anything yet
TARDIS_toggleVanish - Does nothing yet.
Currently OFFLINE & annoyed I can't automate the online/offline thing
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 12:38:26 AM by superdupercoolguy »

Belongs in gallery, and this is not a build.

What is the point of having a script if you have teledoors.

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« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 12:37:56 AM by Badspot »

how does a server belong in gallery again?
sorry I pressed post instead of preview and decided to go with it, so you might not have saw the finished post.
It's not a brickmade TARDIS. The picture is just a generic TARDIS picture.

Belongs in gallery, and this is not a build.
lol how did I know your post was going to be "belongs in x." It's a server, he's trying to advertise a server. while this could be a bit more clear, this isn't a gallery topic.

how does a server belong in gallery again?
sorry I pressed post instead of preview and decided to go with it, so you might not have saw the finished post.
He's wrong, this is right don't worry
Can you explain how this works though? Is it one big Tardis that you freebuild in or a 'build your own Tardis' server?

well, basically you build your TARDIS, preferably inside the bedroom(yes, you can build through the bedroom) and then use commands to link the position of the entrance to the vehicle, so that when you click the vehicle it teleports you there, then event a door with player > TARDIS_Exit and then event levers for other things. It's a build, not a freebuild cause you only build TARDISes.
aka my TARDIS mod development server
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 06:36:16 PM by superdupercoolguy »

well, basically you build your TARDIS, preferably inside the bedroom(yes, you can build through the bedroom) and then use commands to link the position of the entrance to the vehicle, so that when you click the vehicle it teleports you there, then event a door with player > TARDIS_Exit and then event levers for other things. It's a build, not a freebuild cause you only build TARDISes.
aka my TARDIS mod development server


I can imagine he is 9

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« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 12:38:11 AM by Badspot »


I can imagine he is 9
Unprovoked flaming much? he's not doing anything wrong; he's just hosting a server.

Its a server dedicated to building tardises, who would want to do that over and over again?

Its a server dedicated to building tardises,
why not? If I were a doctor who fan I'd join and build a tardis.
heck i made a server (and even fought over the idea) of a server where all you do is launch yourself over and over again and try to make it the farthest.

who would want to do that over and over again?
I don't think that's the intention. I think it's just build a tardis, play around a bit, then leave. I could be wrong though.

There is no need to build a tardis on this server, it can be fun for dr who fans to meet other fans, but they don't need to build one there.

The server would die very fast considering that only 150 players play blockland often and once they all build a tardis there, nobody would join it anymore.

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« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 12:38:19 AM by Badspot »

There is no need to build a tardis on this server, it can be fun for dr who fans to meet other fans, but they don't need to build one there.

The server would die very fast considering that only 150 players play blockland often and once they all build a tardis there, nobody would join it anymore.
look, I'm sorry you have no friends, but flaming/trolling me won't get you any more.
They join my server because if you make a TARDIS without my addon you can't fly it anywhere.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 07:03:39 PM by superdupercoolguy »

Dude, calm your tits and chill out. If he wants to host a Tardis building server, then let him. Honestly this sounds like a wonderful idea to me, and I'm pretty sure I remember some of his coding help topics. If he hosts his server it isn't causing your health to deteriorate, or causing you any harm in any way shape or form. At most you'll loose a 100ms of time or so, that you wont even notice due to pinging the master server.

well, basically you build your TARDIS, preferably inside the bedroom(yes, you can build through the bedroom) and then use commands to link the position of the entrance to the vehicle, so that when you click the vehicle it teleports you there
This is how every TARDIS build ever created in Blockland operates. Your OP and title are extremely false/misleading, making people believe your "script" actually makes a TARDIS build/vehicle bigger on the inside instead of just being a teleport.

Oh, and can we talk about this "script", what actually are you on about? It sounds like you just learned how to use setPlayerTransform, you say it is exclusive to your server. Did you make it, what does it do?