
What'd you think after my upgrades?

It is OK
Still needs work

Author Topic: Soviet Outpost -Upgraded-  (Read 1263 times)

After I got suggestions from people I have remade the outpost using techniques they have given me!

Main upgrades: Tank now has machinegun, sloped back, Gas tanks on the back and a vent. New crater. removed Anti-tank guns. turned anti-tank post into a ammunition storage area. Homes now have 1x2 45 degree slopes for bullet holes. added trees. made the road longer. added debris, broken windows, and glass shards. made fire pit better.

Leave your rating!

if your still looking to improve, the entire ground is flat and has no texture. vary the height of the ground around the things you already have. Indent the road, make little mounts in front of the graves. if there is a crater, make an actual crater in the ground.

as it stands i give it a 6.5/10

Flat terrain, but IMO its pretty nice. You are reviving my thoughts of a STALKER RP server. 7/10

i approve of this 10/10

Hey! Have some advice. Don't be afraid to build this on some baseplate cubes/ raised up, so that you can change the terrain however you want. In doing so, you can really go beyond the flat baseplate dimension. Anyway, I have some examples of styles and tips you can use for this. I do not mean to attention whore this topic/ crap on it with my builds... I'm just obsessed with this era and style of building. Also, if you want tips on making tanks let me know, as I have made, seen here.

Anyway... tips!
Don't be afraid to go in depth with your builds. As seen here, I made a crater and trail of an airplane in the ground. It was only 2-3 plates below the actual surface, because I built up the dirt around to get a crater like effect. I know this looks boxy, but keep in mind this is some of my older stuff. You can use ramps/ go crazy and make it look ore round (I couldn't find my later builds with this)

Don't be afraid to add some depth to the destroyed buildings! Don't worry about conforming to the perfect 32x32 shaped buildings- you can expand!! Anyway, here you don't see a lot of rubble, but I added some expended rounds, and different aspects of rubble. Also, I experimented with boarding up windows/ doors and adding broken glass. Don't be afraid to try it!

Okay... Here is something really important for you. Your building looks like it was 2 stories plus... That's a lot of rubble! Use ramps to your advantage and add it to make it look like it literally fell off the building into a heap! Also, that rubble could fall into the first story (Sorry it looks cheesy in this pic).

Here is another example of a bombed out structure... I think you can also take note of how Im doing this as well- I use ramps to simulate broken beams, add burnt woods, use a variety of piles of bricks/ random plates here and there, etc. I also stacked 4x4 baseplate cubes on top of each other with the fog emitter to create a rising smoke effect. Don't forget, some sort of explosive hit the building... sell it! (This was for a snow map)

Finally... Here is how you can blend your own terrain into roads- I prefer to make it look like the snow is above the road, and not the other way around. Then, I blended it into another wrecked building. Now, you can add fox holes, bomb craters, trenches, etc, with great ease.

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If you want me to come by some time and help you out, let me know! Just not this weekend

We do have a fairly comprehensible terrain guide that may help you out in adding depth to your terrain if be it that is what you would like to do/what you think will make your build look better
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 01:57:58 PM by Flamecannon »

lol, if I had time I could make some nice how-to topics for planes and stuff