Author Topic: Infection RPG  (Read 8873 times)

By: Jarjarbinks

A small hill has been set up to avoid zombies from getting in. Unfortunately there is no space for anybody to live in this gated area. We have all the tools for you to survive in this apocalypse. there are area's around our hill that you can build your own shelter to set up your own survival unit. But be careful because zombies are all around these parts and wont stop at anything to try to eat your flesh. During the day there will be random heat waves of zombies that come through. Make sure you have your big guns or wait it out. 100's or more zombies will come into the valley and start attacking.  

Game play
You spawn with $100 dollars to start up with. You can earn money by killing zombies or other players. This is not a death-match so you should not be killing other players but if you get into a an argument your more than welcome to kill away. Just don't free kill; have a reason. You can build on any of the lots out in the Forrest. you can buy more guns to kill more zombies.

-No Free-killing (have a legit reason to kill someone)
-no spawning flying vehicles
-no spawning more zombie spawns
-no killing in the spawn

Coming Soon
-Hunger System (be able to find food/ die from starvation/ etc.

Jarjarbinks (22233) - Host/Creator/Badass

Server is now up
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 05:30:58 PM by jaja »

this goes in general discussion

belongs in general discussion

this goes to the general commander of the navy seals

$100 dollars
You can earn money by killing zombies or other players. This is not a death-match so you should not be killing other players but if you get into a an argument your more than welcome to kill away. Just don't free kill; have a reason.
"you can get money by killing people but don't kill people but you can kill people if you get into an argument or if you have literally any reason"
this seems easily abused

seems bland, even if it was a minigame