Author Topic: well this week has been terrible  (Read 1288 times)

i assume you live in a rural part of michigan?

i assume you live in a rural part of michigan?
near ann arbor, not that 'rural', but there's big commercial stores in the town i live by, and a lot of houses in my neighborhood. you can pretty much look down one side of the road and see houses until the road curves, and the other is more open but there's a party store and mechanic down there

put a net over the enclosure like so:

put a net over the enclosure like so:

we had already tried using fishing wire, it got through. like i mentioned, we used poultry wire specifically for keeping things like hawks out and strung it over a smaller area, which they're kept in until the hawk is gone / does get shot

i don't know about where you live, but its legal to kill birds who destroy your livestock in some areas.

Any wildlife that walks on your land is yours to slaughter

i don't know about where you live, but its legal to kill birds who destroy your livestock in some areas.
i think it's a "cooper hawk", maybe it's just in the area i live. i don't know.

wrestle it down with your bare hands.
i give you permission.

Chicken trouble, feel you.

I've had a total of five chickens. Their demise went as follows:

Penny - I didn't secure the backyard gate all the way and the golden retriever got out. She chewed Penny's neck beyond repair and she died that evening.

Xantia - Unknown causes. I found her lying on her side but still acting fine. She never walked again, even after several days of care. My dad ended up shooting her.

Timia - Died in the heat wave of 2012. Close call with death when she ran away from home when Penny was killed. Later that day, I was looking out the window talking to a friend on the phone and saw our chicken strutting up the road and coming back down the driveway.

PJ - Died the same day as Timia for same reason. Had a close call with death when a neighbor dog attacked her. She took refuge under the chicken coop and only lost some tail feathers.

Lacey - A neighbor dog got inside the coop and ate her. I went out and shot the dog repeatedly with my airsoft gun. When it yelped, I saw the neighbor coming down the driveway and went quietly into the house to let her discover the scene on her own.

Chicken trouble, feel you.

I've had a total of five chickens. Their demise went as follows:

Penny - I didn't secure the backyard gate all the way and the golden retriever got out. She chewed Penny's neck beyond repair and she died that evening.

Xantia - Unknown causes. I found her lying on her side but still acting fine. She never walked again, even after several days of care. My dad ended up shooting her.

Timia - Died in the heat wave of 2012. Close call with death when she ran away from home when Penny was killed. Later that day, I was looking out the window talking to a friend on the phone and saw our chicken strutting up the road and coming back down the driveway.

PJ - Died the same day as Timia for same reason. Had a close call with death when a neighbor dog attacked her. She took refuge under the chicken coop and only lost some tail feathers.

Lacey - A neighbor dog got inside the coop and ate her. I went out and shot the dog repeatedly with my airsoft gun. When it yelped, I saw the neighbor coming down the driveway and went quietly into the house to let her discover the scene on her own.
that really sucks, none of them passed away of old age. i also had a chicken named lacey, she passed away about a year ago, was one of the first chickens i had ever had. wasn't devastating, just passed away without a stroke or anything.

Sorry to hear that. I don't have chickens or anything so I can't relate to that but I do have a dog that I've had for most of my life. She is getting older and I am afraid constantly of losing her. Really sorry man.

Can't make forum avatars because too busy thinking about dead chickens.
Doesn't want to make a bunch of random kids on the internet avatars for a forum for nothing because too busy thinking about dead pets he loved.

just got home from visiting my grandmother. walk outside and one of the chickens i really liked, eagle, is dead. most likely a sickness or just stress. she and her two buddies always had a little sneeze, the other two dropped it but eagle couldn't shake it.

if luck exists, apparently i somehow blew up a mirror museum