The New Clan Clan Clan

Author Topic: The New Clan Clan Clan  (Read 23949 times)

The New Clan Clan Clan

Who are we?
The New Clan Clan Clan is the alliance of myself and Lurker to become the most powerful clan in all of AoT. During my crusade as the Clan Clan I realized I couldn't do this on my own. Not only did I need a second leader, I also needed followers; people to carry this clan to victory. We hope you consider joining us and for the first time in years, make a difference in AoT.

What are your goals?
Our first goal is to grow in numbers. You can't have a crusade without an army. Everything else hasn't been worked out yet. Right now we just need followers.

How can I join?
You can join or leave at any time! We're not the Nigerian Cunts. While we do crave power, we don't discriminate or hold anyone hostage. All you have to do is ask to join and you'll be accepted either way. Just don't betray us. If you do that, you'll be lynched.

Current Members
L's & D's (me)

I'll upgrade OP eventually.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 04:08:38 AM by the hacker »

Yes. Join us or prepare to get wrecked.

We will rule all.

The Blo army will blopare for your "wreckage". Meanwhile, we're readying the Bloguns and the blojeeps. We've also got blomissiles, too. Prepare your self for your own wreckage to explode with an exblosion.

I Declare War On This New Clan Clan Clan.
Prepare for New Clan New Clan

tcccccc will rule all

the circlejerk is spreading

hahahahaha so funny hahahahahahahahahaha

I would join but I'm not really one for participating in attacks 'n' stuff.

I would join but I'm not really one for participating in attacks 'n' stuff.
Who ever said anything about attacks?

I would join but I'm not really one for participating in attacks 'n' stuff.
Aw why not :(

ok nvm sign me up
Welcome to our clan The New Clan Clan Clan, enjoy your stay at our clan The New Clan Clan Clan.

You are now a clan member of the The New Clan Clan Clan. We will wreck other clans because our clan The New Clan Clan Clan is superior over other sillyass clans.

Welcome to our clan The New Clan Clan Clan, enjoy your stay at our clan The New Clan Clan Clan.

You are now a clan member of the The New Clan Clan Clan. We will wreck other clans because our clan The New Clan Clan Clan is superior over other sillyass clans.

Slight bump.

We're the dominant clan right now.

you're so funny
We have a better OP than you. We also have a bigger following.