Buildbox is awesome, but that price are worthless!

Author Topic: Buildbox is awesome, but that price are worthless!  (Read 4319 times) - You can create your own game. I checked this out, they are look good but... The price are stuff worthless $2,675.00.
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Join the 30 Day Game Challenge and use our drag and drop software to build a game for free. Here's how it works:

1. Download a full version of our Drag and Drop software that works for 30 days

2. Get the Challenge Art Pack for free with characters, enemies and backgrounds you can use in your game

3. Access a full 30 day training portal that shows you how to come up with good game ideas, create them with our software, monetize and launch

4. Everything you create is 100% yours (including full ownership of your game and any money your game makes!)

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« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 12:29:08 PM by Furling² »

Oh yeah I saw a youtube ad about this, I considered trying it but didn't yet

That Price Are Worthless!TM

Anyways, I don't really think this is worth anyone's time of day. Either you want to make a game and you're willing to put the effort in to do so, or you want to make a game and you're looking for cheap shortcuts. Buildbox is for the latter group.

the games made with this don't look too appealing, maybe on a mobile device they'd be fun

the games made with this don't look too appealing, maybe on a mobile device they'd be fun
I want to make of my own game, but the price are stuff.

I want to make of my own game, but the price are stuff.
Unity is free, you can try that.

the games made with this don't look too appealing, maybe on a mobile device they'd be fun
Graphics are typically created by the game's author.  I'd say it's pretty stupid though if this program only lets you use premade objects and sprites.

i hate when that price are worthless, i would rather they be of worth

to be honest i'd rather use roblox to create a game

to be honest i'd rather use roblox to create a game
to be fair i think roblox will still look better