Author Topic: Kajeton hacked my account?  (Read 7409 times)

So does anyone have this guy's ip so it would be possible to keep track of him

So does anyone have this guy's ip so it would be possible to keep track of him
Last known IP he has that I'm aware of is
However, I doubt it's that right now.

If someone saw kajeton with 79339 BL_ID please contact me. Steam: torva5
And contact me if that kajeton appeared at Glass Fort wars. (Because i got banned for 5 days, idk why)

i dunno if this relates or not
It's CBM, yet shown in the topic Glass has supposedly NEVER signed up for CBM. And badspot confirmed those are real keys.
Maybe they're still working on it?
Maybe theres some cracker going around or something. I don't know.

That's just what I think IF he actually got the account.
Otherwise I'm not too sure, its badspot to tell us who was logged at changing the name around the time it became "Kajeton".
I used CBM earlier.

DLL injections;

Yes, that's my site. The DLL wasn't supposed for cheating like BLHack, but more a try of enhancing the gaming experience. I tried implementing some features from Garry's Mod and was highly motivated, wrote a kind of "VCE Compiler" (written a lexer and parser in C++) which compiles the code you wrote in notepad to binary, which the DLL later reads in-game. I wrote a tutorial about it long ago:

In the end, the DLL wasn't released anyway because it was full of bugs which I didn't want to fix. It was also totally useless, because it would never get public. (Read Badspot's license on this) So, I gave up on it.

To topic:
I don't have anything to do with the current situation. Just saying.

you never made any dlls and that site is pure technoblabble like your dibtool blog

o... k... so, let me think here.
You have Steam. You can use Steam to play Blockland with your key, right?
I think Badspot can flag keys as "steam-only" so that he can deal with the keysharing problem without revoking the key, but in the past, some people whose keys were supposedly flagged "steam-only" found them completely revoked instead. Not sure why.
Regardless, I guess if the issue is serious enough that you're willing to risk losing your key (you DID post about it in a place where Badspot can see it, after all), I'd say your best bet would be to ask Badspot to flag your key as steam-only, so that you could only play Blockland through your own Steam account.


  • Administrator
1.  You don't have a key.  You bought the game on steam.  To log into your ID, an attacker would have to log into your steam account or exploit some vulnerability in the Blockland login system (there is no evidence of this).

2.  Your ID changed names between Kajeton and Torva 7 times in one day using the same IP address you are using right now.  Other name changes occurred from IP addresses from the same russian ISP.

Conclusion: Kajeton is phone.  Torva are the demons.  Jokes on us he was just pretending.  Blockland forums.

What was he even wishing to accomplish with this.

Conclusion: Kajeton is phone.  Torva are the demons.  Jokes on us he was just pretending.  Blockland forums.

Thank you very much for clearing this up.

Well then I fail to see how he could've gotten your key. See, there is no way for him to magically get your key, someone has to have given it to him at some point for him to have it. Either through means of a trojan virus, or entering it in a form of some sort.
This is also a good question. Have you given your key to ANYONE at all.

Maybe you fell out with a friend and he had your key and it was passed on until I reached Kajeton? Its a possibility

thats not a forgetin excuse

Don't be such a cunt everyone deserves a second chance at some point.

Don't be such a cunt everyone deserves a second chance at some point.
you need to take your second chance bullstuff and shove it up your ass

Don't be such a cunt everyone deserves a second chance at some point.
not everyone agrees with this

you need to take your second chance bullstuff and shove it up your ass