Author Topic: don't be like this person  (Read 2727 times)

4-square is the stuff, mate (when it's played correctly and not by cheating starfishs who throw the ball at you)
fun, unlike physical research, isn't age restricted
he made it sound like he was playing it in the school yard

my mistake

Is she 12 years old? Because that sounds like something only young children would do.
I'm 12 and i dont cry when i dont get my way
i just go "forget it" and leave or just wait through whatever we're doing

wait OP, how old are you cause 4-square was something we played in like Elementary school
4-square is fun  especially when played with friends

I'm 12 and i dont cry when i dont get my way
i just go "forget it" and leave or just wait through whatever we're doing
don't try and say you don't whine to your parents, lol i remember whining when i didn't get my way at like 16 ;p;

what does it being 2014 have to do with it?  A spoiled brat is a spoiled brat no matter the year.
Spoiled or not spoiled, it'll even get worse as the years go on. Soon, it'll become the norm.

don't try and say you don't whine to your parents, lol i remember whining when i didn't get my way at like 16 ;p;
and what if he doesn't whine to his parents

ugh this generation ://///

ugh this generation ://///
ikr ://

OT: 9 yos are gonna whine about stuff no matter what generation, tbh this thread didnt seem that necessary

Why the forget does she have an iPhone at 9 years old?  Sounds to me like its the parents at fault for spoiling her.
I am actually extremely spoiled. I am like 11 and I have the newest tech and stuff (Droid Turbo, moto 360, Galaxy Tab S, etc).

I am actually extremely spoiled. I am like 11 and I have the newest tech and stuff (Droid Turbo, moto 360, Galaxy Tab S, etc).
you also said $1000 wasn't much for Christmas

you also said $1000 wasn't much for Christmas
I'd be soo happy if I got $1000 for Christmas hot damn Queeba

I'm 12 and i dont cry when i dont get my way
i just go "forget it" and leave or just wait through whatever we're doing

Aren't you the kid who gets really pissed off at gay people and furies. There is an entire topic on the drama section about your hostility towards furies. You also flipped out over emo freak hitting on guys that we're not you and didn't have any connection with you at all. That seems a little immature and you obviously didn't leave the problem alone and had to make very negative comments against a person and an entire group of people.

You should buy my broken knife that almost killed me and turn it into a shank...
Just like tell her parents that she is a Female dog...

Talk to her parents about this. But I wouldn't get to mad at a nine year old for being bratty. I know lots of children who were like this at a young age, some of my brother's freinds are like this and they're 12. Just wait for her to grow up a little before you create a rant on an internet forum about her. In a couple years she is probably going to be normal.
Maturity doesn't come with time alone.  It requires direction and perspective to grow.

not to mention kids with autism etc do not make it into middle school here, they usually get kicked out