Author Topic: "The Interview" Movie released online in US or Canada  (Read 2104 times)

It's been on the front page of youtube since christmas eve.

This just in
North Korea declares war on the internet

Jubel I heard you once said James Franco was the downfall of the movie (before I saw movie). I was expecting him to suck, but he actually was the best character xD

Franco was the least funny throughout the whole thing

On Opposite Day, yes. But everyone's entitled to their own opinion I suppose
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 09:34:19 PM by §am§on »

Franco was the least funny throughout the whole thing

Jubel I heard you once said James Franco was the downfall of the movie (before I saw movie). I was expecting him to suck, but he actually was the best character xD
I don't find annoying funny, and neither do a lot of people.

Seth Rogen's character wasn't really brilliant either, but he had some human characteristics here and there. He wasn't constantly poking you with a stick asking "are you annoyed yet?"

I don't find annoying funny, and neither do a lot of people.

I don't see how you interpreted the humor as annoying. Give me an example.

I don't see how you interpreted the humor as annoying. Give me an example.

Rogen: We have millions of people watching our show, and we just shovel stuff into their faces man!
Franco: That's what people want! Give us some stuff! Manja we the people give us some stuff, Manja Manja Manja!
What? That's not funny. That's just franco giving off a slightly cunty vibe.

I got some questions for that goat.
Great, more franco screaming.

Franco: Look! Look at this buttforget!
When you score a binladen, or a Riddler, or an oohm*? YOU TAKE IT BY THE BALLS

The stupid joke about how "they hate us 'cause they ain't us" where franco deliberately says star fish all the loving time.
Him screaming shove it up your butt when Rogen needs to shove the thing up his butt
Him screaming every second line.
He's one of those stupid blond tropes but is a white brunette man.
He swears for humour. Swearing for no reason isn't funny.

Rogen's character was bad because for the most part it was semi-realistic. He acted sassy, but responded like what was going on was real. And that's a bit boring. He did good acting, but he was acting for the wrong role.
Franco's character was just a 14 year old girl who only reads tabloid magazines and talks on the phone. He was a bitch, swore for no reason, oddly enunciated syllables for "dramatic effect" and the character was a play on so many different tropes and clichés that it didn't know what it was. I don't want to pay to watch a movie where someone pretends to be a stuffty stereotype instead of convincing me that they're a legitimate person through good acting. Skylark isn't a character, it's Franco being a stuffty actor.

Well I don't see that as annoying, but I can understand how you do. Thanks for examplez

I just watched the movie, That was what North Korea was bitching about?

the movie wasnt as bad as everyones saying it was. it was a generic stuffty comedy but it isnt nearly terrible. there were still good shots and parts that made me laugh in it, so.

12 year old humor (lol he said star fish!!) in like 99 percent of the movie
the funniest thing was probably the interview with eminem