Author Topic: The MAS Inc. and Bug Mods (MAS aircraft balance update)  (Read 37391 times)

(see second post for bug mods)




-Fires a constant stream of electricity
-Short range
==New since RTB version:==
-Deals medium/low damage to most targets
-Deals high damage to small bugs
-Deals very little damage to large bugs
-Has slight auto-aiming capabilities (about 10-15 degree angle of auto-aiming)
-Comes with an onPowered event, which allows the bug zapper to be utilized as a key or tool for contraptions
-The Bug zapper will lock into the brick that it is powering
-Will not fire if the user is mostly submerged in water. Instead will cause damage to the user and nearby enemies


-Very rarely, the bug zapper will lock into a random brick. Simply stop firing for a moment to get around this issue.


-ArmyUnit: model, weapon code, icons
-Lordician: auto-aiming system, events, advanced code work




-Very high damage per missile
-Long reload time
-Missiles have medium to slow flight speed, and are somewhat effected by gravity
-Can not easily be used for rocket jumping (You will probably kill yourself)

--Update 5/1/2015:
-Fixed MAS logo texture being off-center and stretched (might still be slightly off-center, but overall is much better).

--Initial changes since RTB Version:
-Adjusted explosion (Reduced damage and radius)
-Increased missile flight speed slightly
-Increased re-fire time slightly


-ArmyUnit: model, code, icons, sound editing

Alternate link:



-Fires bouncing orbs of energy
-Medium fire-rate and range
-Orbs have moderate flight speed
-Orbs can rebound back and damage the user
-Orbs create small explosions when rebounding
-Orbs do not rebound off players, but instead explodes


-ArmyUnit: model, code, icons, sounds


Weapon_HHF (Hand Held Flammer)


-Fires a constant stream of flames
-Moderate damage
-Short range
-User can be damaged by the flames if they fire at point blank range (you have to be nearly touching what is in front of you)


-Kevin: original concept, model, code
-ArmyUnit: balance adjustments, optimizations, minor polish




-Must be fully charged to fire
-Charge level is shown on the weapon's display screen, and is also indicated by a change in sounds and emitters
-Deals incredible damage
-Shot is raycasted for a medium-long distance, and then becomes a slower moving projectile that is effected by gravity
-Little reload time after the shot (the charge time acts as the reload time)
-Pushes the user backwards somewhat when fired
-Accuracy is decreased while you are moving

--Update 6/21/2015:
-Updated the Support_RaycastingWeapons.cs file to include the fixes requested in this thread.
NOTE: The current version of of the Weapon_Rail_Rifle that is floating around Greek2Me's auto-update service does not function as intended. The original version of this weapon used a modified version of SpaceGuy's Support_raycasting script, and whoever preformed the original fix apparently did not notice this and simply overwrote the custom support file with the fixed version of the normal support script.


-ArmyUnit: model, small amount of code, icons, some sounds
-Lordician: implementing and improving the support_raycast system





-Contains three bots: Security Scarab-Wasp, Anti-Riot Scarab-Wasp, Proto Scarab-Wasp
-The Standard Scarab-Wasp playertype is spawned from vehicle bricks
-All bots are friendly to blockheads/humans
-Scarab-Wasps move at a decent rate, and have moderate amounts of health
-When playing as the Security or Anti-Riot Scarab-Wasps, the related weapons are automatically placed into your first inventory slot (I will likely remove this behavior)


-ArmyUnit: most everything I think.
-Lordician: PermaItem code, and probably general fixing and assistance



Vehicle_MAS_Gunship (alpha version):


-Moderate speed, agility, and health
-Fires all four miniguns and both rocket launchers
-Fancy explosion effects
-Rotor sounds and animations
-Utilizes HeightControl

--Update 10/16/2015:
-Reduced direct damage of miniguns from 20 to 15
-Reduced flight speed of rockets from 180 to 160
-Increased refire time of rockets from 600 to 900
-Increase health from 250 to 300


-ArmyUnit: Most everything




-High speed, decent agility, and health
-Armed with four Proto Plasma cannons
-Rotor sounds and animations
-Wings animate slightly when turning
-Fancy explosion effects
-Utilizes HeightControl

--Update 10/16/2015:
-Tightened controls and increased turn rates in all directions
-Enabled direct damage protection for pilot
-Reduced final vehicle explosion radius from 18 to 10
-Reduced radius and damage of projectile explosion (Radius from 6 to 4.5)(Damage from 20 to 5)
-Increased direct damage of projectile slightly (15 to 18)


-ArmyUnit: Most everything




-Very high speed and agility, but very little health
-Very small
-Armed with four machine guns
-Kinda fancy explosion effects

--Update 10/16/2015:
-Tightened controls
-Increased forward speed, and greatly increased reverse speed
-Reduced pitch rate (from 20000 to 18000)
-Increased health from 20 to 35
-Increased bullet damage from 8 to 10


-ArmyUnit: Most everything




-Slow and large, with poor maneuverability
-Decent health
-Carries six troops, along with the pilot
-Rotor sounds and animations
-Fancy explosion effects
-Utilizes HeightControl


-ArmyUnit: Most everything



Required for all MAS aircraft except for the Swarm Fighter. Adds vertical take-off and landing capabilities (Hold jump to ascend, hold crouch to descend).

All credit goes to the amazing Lordician



-ArmyUnit: Project lead, most modeling, animations, basic scripting
-Lordician: Co-project lead, advanced scripting, being awesome in general, zombie
-Kevin: Modeler
-Hanhan13: Assistant tester
-LegoLad: Assistant tester being the Dino King

-And everyone who has played on my beta testing servers!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 04:31:37 PM by ArmyUnit »


PLEASE delete ALL past versions of these mods that you might have installed. These mods have undergone filename changes (Bot_BugMod1 was previously Gamemode_BugsMod_1 or similar, for example) so the old versions of these mods will not be automatically replaced with the new versions when you place them in your Add-ons folder. If you have both versions of a mod enabled, there WILL be conflictions, things WILL break, and you WILL cry (or laugh maniacally if you are that sort of person).




-Bug: Slow, weak, and very small. Bite is nastier than you might think.
  -Associated weapon: Bug Bite

-Mite: Very fast with more health than the bug, but is larger than the bug. Bite is weak.
  -Associated weapon: Mite Bite

-Spider: Fast with a moderate amount of health, and average size. Individual bites are weak, but the poison will cut away a large portion of your vitality if not dealt with.
  -Associated weapon: Spider Bite (deals poison)

-Scorpion: Large with moderate speed and high health. Scorpions are very deadly if not dealt with properly. Never EVER 1v1 a scorpion with a melee weapon (except with chainsaws).
  -Associated weapons: Scorpion Claws, Scorpion Sting (deal poison)

-Worm: Large and very slow, with a huge amount of health. Its smash attack will kill a blockhead in two hits, or one hit if they are sent careening into a wall.
  -Associated weapon: Worm Smash (deals high knockback)


-Bugs do not play the default pain emitters. (The pain emitters used to work, and I had changed nothing in this area, so I have no idea what the cause is. Anyone know what the default pain image datablock names are?).  


-ArmyUnit: Most everything
-Ozmar: Bug, Mite, Spider, and Scorpion CI icons

Alternate link:



-Firefly: These are friendly to blockheads by default. Fireflies have decent stats in all areas. (Bot spawns with Firefly Bash by default)
  -Associated weapons: Firefly Bash (dealing knockback), Firefly Flash (blinds and damaged enemies that are looking at the firefly)

-Cicada: Moderately slow, but has decent health and flight capability. Is passive and will only attack when provoked. Can be ridden.
  -Associated weapon: Cicada Bash (deals knockback)

-Earwig: Although not nearly as deadly, these can be considered as the flying version of the scorpion.
  -Associated weapon: Earwig Bite, Earwig Pinch

-Praying Mantis: Slow, large, and relatively low health. However, the Mantis can deal heavy damage, and can go invisible (not the bot, yet). Invisibility is activated by holding still, and can be toggled with the light key.
  -Associated weapon: Mantis Slash

-Dragonfly: Moderate stats overall, but very fast. The Dragonfly's pounce attack will not only deal damage, but launch the insect forward.
  -Associated weapon: Dragonfly Pounce

-Also includes a (slightly unfinished) Bug Boost item, which normally is not needed, but can help flying bugs cover large distances quickly.

-Many of the bots have several different colors schemes they can spawn as.


-Some bugs do not play the default pain emitters. (The pain emitters used to work, and I had changed nothing in this area, so I have no idea what the cause is. Anyone know what the default pain image datablock names are?).  
-Firefly flash can have slightly inconsistent results
-Firefly can have minor animation issues while flying/landing
-Earwig can have animation issues under certain conditions (mainly while flying with pincer attack selected)


-ArmyUnit: Most everything
-Lordician: Invisibility system for the Praying Mantis, Firefly Flash code
-Ozmar: Cicada Bash CI icon
-Choneis: Original Cicada model

Alternate link:


--REQUIRES BOT_BUGMOD1 (found above)


On the  Bugs' side!:

-Big Bug: The name speaks for itself. These are better than normal bugs in every way, except for size. Their bite is quite strong, and they happen to be the fastest of the bug hive units.
  -Associated weapon: BigBug Bite

-Boomer Bug: Similar to standard bugs, but larger. These can spit acid and self-detonate.
  -Associated weapon: Bug Acid Spit (deals poison), Bug Self-Detonation (needs full energy to use)(Deals poison)

-Guard Bug: Very tough, but very slow. There can throw up balls of acid, which flies slower than the normal Bug Acid Spit, but is overall more lethal.
  -Associated weapon: Bug Acid Ball

-Bug Queen: For now, these act as field medics, with their healing acid. They are slow, but have decent health for a bug hive unit.
  -Associated weapon: Bug Healing Acid (Heals allies, and damages enemies) (can not heal mechanical certain mechanical playertypes, such as ASN robots)

And on the mighty Mites' side!:

-Soldier Mite: Overall stronger than the standard Mite, but slower and larger. Their bite attack is quite strong.
  -Associated weapon: Solider Mite Bite (causes minor knockback)

-Poison Mite: Similar to the normal Mites, but slower. The poison from these things will cause its victim to take extra damage. Poison Mites function well alongside their larger cousins (sisters?).
  -Associated weapon: Mite Poison (deals poison)

-Spine Mite: The slowest but toughest of the mites, the Spine Mites can mostly conceal themselves by burrowing (crouching). Their spine shot attack functions similar to a shotgun, and is as deadly as a shotgun.
  -Associated weapon: Mite Spine Shot

-Mite Queen: The Royal Mites are faster but more frail than their green counterparts.
  -Associated weapon: Bug Healing Acid (for now)

And finally, scouts from the distant Wasp hives have appeared (RUN FOR THE HILLS):

-Blue Wasp: Fast, low health, and relatively small for a flying insect. These things are EVIL. Fortunately they are weak to bug zappers.
  -Associated weapon: Blue Wasp Bite, Blue Wasp Sting


-Bugs do not play the default pain emitters. (The pain emitters used to work, and I had changed nothing in this area, so I have no idea what the cause is. Anyone know what the default pain image datablock names are?).
-Bug Healing Acid does not work correctly in as many cases as I would have liked. Currently it only works for healing/damaging other players, and healing/damaging friendly or enemy bots. It does not currently work correctly in all cases when used by bots.


-ArmyUnit: Most everything
-Lordician: Heavy modification of healing code for Bug Healing Acid
-Ozmar: Wasp sting CI icon
-Bushido: Original healing code

Alternate link:

Support_Poison (Beta release)



-Easy implementation of poison effects to projectiles and explosions ==> See modInfo.txt for instructions (contained within zip file)
-Immunity system
-Allows for custom poison sounds and effects


-Poison Spread function sometimes behaves inconsistently (appears to remove poison from the original victim if spread to new victim).
-Does not currently utilize CI icons.


-Lordician: Everything



-ArmyUnit: Project lead, most modeling, animations, basic scripting
-Lordician: Co-project lead, advanced scripting, being awesome in general, zombie
-Hanhan13: Assistant tester
-LegoLad: Assistant tester being the Dino King
-Ozmar: CI Icon artist

-And everyone who has played on my beta testing servers!
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 02:16:58 AM by ArmyUnit »

wait, does this mean the pack is done?
i-is it over?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 02:07:10 AM by Lego lad »

i love the harrier style most of these have

could you make a ship (or version of the gunship) with a gatling gun mounted under it instead of 2 guns on the side?

Not a huge fan of your modeling style, but they still look awesome.

Oh jolly, the locking on version of the zapper.
I did not know you were planning to go on releasing spree.

oh, yes. finally released. so good.

looks like the stuff has been made in 2006 and pasted into a quality addon

Side note on the zapper (i think only the zapper):
Do not submerge the device in liquids, even partially.
(Actually, just don't shoot when underwater)

Side note on the zapper (i think only the zapper):
Do not submerge the device in liquids, even partially.
(Actually, just don't shoot when underwater)

ooh I forgot about that haha

Going to update the descriptions in a bit, will put that in as well.
Also, I forgot to include a link to height control :L

i love the harrier style most of these have

could you make a ship (or version of the gunship) with a gatling gun mounted under it instead of 2 guns on the side?

Yup, that's the plan for the heavy gunship. Will have rail guns mounted in place of the miniguns, and heavy rockets in the missile pods. The Gunner/second pilot will control a minigun turret.

Not sure when that will get made though :S

looks like the stuff has been made in 2006 and pasted into a quality addon

These are mostly the odd add-ons haha, though they have all been improved in several ways.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 03:26:22 PM by ArmyUnit »

Army your time for bug descriptions is over.

Yup, that's the plan for the heavy gunship. Will have rail guns mounted in place of the miniguns, and heavy rockets in the missile pods. The Gunner/second pilot will control a minigun turret.
i am so going to make some boss battle when that comes out
like have a bot look at a brick and use the path nodes for him to keep moving to them, while a player / other bot is in the minigun turret shooting at them

make it like some platformer boss where you need to shoot other objects to activate a huge cannon to shoot it with or a giant boulder to drop on it

I've added the descriptions. I feel like I've forgotten some things, though :L

i am so going to make some boss battle when that comes out
like have a bot look at a brick and use the path nodes for him to keep moving to them, while a player / other bot is in the minigun turret shooting at them

make it like some platformer boss where you need to shoot other objects to activate a huge cannon to shoot it with or a giant boulder to drop on it

That is an awesome idea

Can't wait for the final versions of your vehicle mods.

Ahh, the MAS Swarm Fighter... such nostalgia :)