Author Topic: The MAS Inc. and Bug Mods (MAS aircraft balance update)  (Read 37400 times)

Server should be going up in an hour or two. I am looking at rebalancing a few of MAS's weapons.

Server is up! For those wondering, see this post for balance changes.

This mod looks good! I feel like making a game of Humans Vs. Insects with my Dev Team.

This mod looks good! I feel like making a game of Humans Vs. Insects with my Dev Team.

gooo for it

I just noticed, There is no Bugmod 3.

Some of the extraordinary things in the Development.
-Humanoid Insects-
-Genetically Spliced Insects-

Humanoid Insects will be able to hold weapons, will be on the insects side.
Genetically Spliced Insects are on the humans side, taking a base DNA body, and inserting traits of another bug inside it!

Planned Classes
-Humanoid Bee- HI {Human and Bee}
-Scorpiotis- GSI {Scorpion and Praying Mantis}

How the Humanoid Insects are formed: Humans are sometimes taken by the insects, and brought to their hives. The Hive's queens bestow upon them some kind of edible object that has hundreds of microbes to transform, and erase the host's mind, making them loyal to the Hives.

Genetically Spliced Insects: Human scientists how the field try to get as much DNA as possible from the insects. Trying to get a host DNA Body, then places a secondary DNA to make the insect even stronger. Then, they places a chip in their bloodstreams to make them take orders from humans and other fellow Genetic Insects

BugMod 3 is work in progress. The details for it can be found in the first post of this thread

And I have no plans or desire to make humanoid bugs of any form, sorry.

Humanoid bugs were officially banned from the MAS projects as they seemed to have bad side effects, sorry. :)
I suggested it too, before, but i got the same answer.

Humanoid bugs were officially banned from the MAS projects as they seemed to have bad side effects, sorry. :)
I suggested it too, before, but i got the same answer.
We're just using blockhead models with some insect like coloring on them.

Oh I misunderstood you lol
I thought you were suggesting I make those, not that you were making those.
sounds kinda cool I guess, carry on

Your bugs are beautiful :) Great work, I'll be using these thanks.

I feel silly bumping this because no updates on the mods or anything, but if I don't then the topic will die and I won't be able to bump it when actual updates DO come around.

Your bugs are beautiful :) Great work, I'll be using these thanks.

Thanks! Glad to hear you like them.

Vehicle_MAS_Gunship (alpha version):

--Update 10/16/2015:
-Reduced direct damage of miniguns from 20 to 15
-Reduced flight speed of rockets from 180 to 160
-Increased refire time of rockets from 600 to 900
-Increase health from 250 to 300



--Update 10/16/2015:
-Tightened controls and increased turn rates in all directions
-Enabled direct damage protection for pilot
-Reduced final vehicle explosion radius from 18 to 10
-Reduced radius and damage of projectile explosion (Radius from 6 to 4.5)(Damage from 20 to 5)
-Increased direct damage of projectile slightly (15 to 18)



--Update 10/16/2015:
-Tightened controls
-Increased forward speed, and greatly increased reverse speed
-Reduced pitch rate (from 20000 to 18000)
-Increased health from 20 to 35
-Increased bullet damage from 8 to 10


bump for ultra-late update

You should put these on Blockland Glass so that people actually get updates: