Author Topic: Fen - Lies, overreaction, immaturity  (Read 3336 times)

Recently I've been noticing Fen acting up a lot lately.

From his unusual thread:

Quote from: fen
You guys are so loving thickheaded to think someone would crab 8 unusuals including several ones I'd never crab then loving just give it to him, plus no middleman.

Quote from: jubel
That doesn't prove anything.

I could go and gamble away $5,000 at a casino, but wait, since it goes directly to the casino, that means I didn't gamble it away! I want my money back!!!

Get over your loss. Worse things can happen in life over a few stupid hats.

Quote from: fen
You're the biggest richard in Blockland. Go forget yourself.

First off, Jubel wasn't even doing anything wrong. He actually did make a valid statement. Sure, you can lose a few hats in a VIDEO GAME, but that doesn't mean I have to yell at someone for absolutely no reason. And...the biggest richard in Blockland? Really?

Secondly, we're automatically assumed as thickheaded because we already know the truth of what happened? He's really trying to hide his shame and blaming everyone else for causing it.

Also, this entire thread:

And, a bump for no reason.

you make quite a few dramas my friend


I got dunked hardcore.

he's done this thread like 4 times

***HAS the biggest richard am i so right boys

He's locked it now lol.


It's been almost a whole month ever since he lost a handful of in-game items, and he STILL makes a big deal out of it.

How long does it take for Fen to move on and forget about it? Another month? A year perhaps?

Holy stuff you lost pointless crap on a video game. Get the forget over it.

Oh god, Yeah, this guy is annoying as forget. He always says in servers "I'm DDoSing this server like I did to the last one."
Anyways, /support.

well congratulations it's 2015

I know, I'm over it because my dad said we can just sell my stuff airsoft sniper and buy them back :))))))))))))))))))))