Author Topic: Battle For The Net  (Read 3281 times)

Battle For The Net
The Fight For Net Neutrality

The FCC has ruled in our favor, Title 2 is now a reality!


1. What is Net Neutrality?
"the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites." Essentially, all internet traffic should be treated equally no matter who's traffic it is, Netflix, Youtube, etc.

2. Why is Net Neutrality good for me and why should I support it?
Would you like to pay an extra fee to your ISP to access Steam? Yeah, I didn't think so. If all traffic is treated equally, it means ISPs cannot set up toll gates for competitor websites.. like Netflix. Especially when they already tried to do that.

3. Why are some people still against Net Neutrality?
The only people that would really be against it are the cable companies themselves. After all.. money.

4. What can I do to help?
As seen above, you can go here and see which senators and house members in your state are pro-cable or pro-net neutrality. If they're pro-cable, you can bug the stuff out of them via Facebook or Twitter or whatever.

5. State..? I don't live in the US! How will this affect me?
This still affects you. Think about how many sites are hosted in the US and how many people would have to pay or even how much your favorite website company would have to pay ISPs for access to a majority of their customers. It would ram them into the ground. Startup companies would have a nearly impossible time trying to gain any ground and would slowly lockout the entire market to only the big companies. Any anti-net neutrality stance is not good for the people using the Internet and especially not good for people with a brand new idea that Comcast or Verizon may not like.

plz dont rage at me i probably messed something up
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 09:37:28 PM by Randomness »

No, you can't have this post!

two gay nerds fighting NSA edition

Related content from The Oatmeal:

Many people also hold the misconception that net neutrality puts control of the Internet into government hands, which is false, as indicated by the word "neutral," as well as by the definition of the word.

nah, you're dead on, man

this seriously needs to be widespread across the news - allowing sites to charge everyone to just view them is worse than subscription TV

net neutrality pushes for internet to be categorized as a title II utility....... i dont want my internet to be ran by no damn government this is america *fires automatic rifles*

I think I saw a 2 in that banner!

But yeah, let's hope this goes good.

fyi these people just rally other companies and do this every month coming up with a sob story about how the internet is dead and I always get emails from them
in fact: its so bad that google filters it as spam

its so bad that google filters it as spam
no duh
it is spam

Too bad you'll still see stupid ass people saying net neutrality is bad, and saying it's basically communism

To be honest, I'm not even sure why this is an issue. Removing net neutrality and allowing companies to throttle certain websites seems like it would be against the whole "freedom of speech" thing that's aparrently so great.

fyi these people just rally other companies and do this every month coming up with a sob story about how the internet is dead and I always get emails from them
in fact: its so bad that google filters it as spam

Except that you might start getting charged extra for internet websites you use if Net Neutrality is struck down. You can't stay in the middle in this if you used the Internet to make that post.