Author Topic: GOBLIN BOT  (Read 8786 times)

I expected more than ears on a default bot...
You haven't been in the horror and terror.

You haven't been in the horror and terror.

This is the reason why we dont have nice things.

This entire topic belongs in the YCYL topic.

metal gear goblin : revengeance

the goblin never sleeps

This entire topic belongs in the YCYL topic.
mr nobody in action 2015

I was trying to scroll down, but it kept pausing as I went down on the goblins face. The picture seemed to come to life. It began to look like it was trying to crawl out of the screen itself. I looked at its glowing eyes. Suddenly I noticed I had no legs. Then I felt nothing where my arms used to be. When I blinked, I opened my eyes to a sign above me that said "You've been shrek'd", it turned out that sign wasn't a sign, it was some kind of thing that crushes you. Then I woke up
tl;dr shrek
im going to use this in my game

And so

The invasion of the yellow midget shreks begins.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 07:43:10 PM by (minecraft) »