
What would you like me to play

MOAR blockland
XBOX 360 Minecraft
COD Advanced Warfare Xbox 360
SOME RANDOM GAME( leave the game name in my inbox)
COD Advanced Warfare XBOX ONE

Author Topic: AFRO NINJA 3579's choice  (Read 2254 times)

Cool i will start making those but not right now i gotta deal with some salty guy in the drama section :P

that post made me so miffed
I can now describe my anger with 2 gifs

Where is the stop playing games poll option?

Play anything that will get you off these forums.

"COD... COD... COD..."


That is a 12 year old dream poll

Learn to edit

His grammar is fine.
>implying he types like a 4 year old with broken fingers and probably doesn't know how to spell in real life