Author Topic: Need help finding user "Folor" (32691)  (Read 702 times)

Possibly the dumbest video I ever made. I now feel bad for him, and I hope he still plays.
I believe the server was Kalphiter's Renderman Hunt in the Kitchen. Boy isn't that bringing back memories? Do any of you by any chance know him? I hope I wasn't the starfish who could have drove him away from Blockland.


(Shows how I was 12)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 10:09:33 PM by K1ng_0f_N0thing »

It's too late now.
You ruined his life. You drove him out of Blockland into cutting and a life of drugs.

Poor guy. I will never forgive what you did, regardless of anything you say/do. This is disgusting and you
should be wiped of the surface of this planet.

My God! There is no helping your "reputation" now.

Cause of death: Self Delete

im triggered and im a 3k