Author Topic: 19 year old girl arrested for exhibitionism NOT VOYEURISM  (Read 8239 times)

brb guys i have to "use the bathroom"

I agree that she should get a criminal record so she's forced into prostitution but the fine seems extreme




Mt Everest

I forgot you sperglings are all dry-shooting 11 year olds.

does she have any other videos :c

Victimless crimes: Some victimless crimes can lead to victim crimes. Take speeding for example, running a red light, or both. You get pulled over and fined, no big deal because no one got hurt. Say you run a red light or a stop sign, you hit a car, now that person you hit has back pain. Same thing with a red light, you might hit someone, or you might hit and kill a pedestrian who had the right of way, now you are going to prison for manslaughter.

Some laws exist for a reason other than safety. Take spitting for example. It is a against the law to spit on the side walk, a very minor crime, but it exists for reason. Back in the day when women wore long dresses, men chewed tobacco, do you want that black gunky spit getting on the bottom of your shoes or dress? Pretty gross, right? What if some man pulls his pants down on a street corner and shoves his arm up his ass, or some old guy walks down the street naked. Do really want see that thing swing back and forth? Or go to a library and two teens are having love on the floor in the back. Do you really want to be the janitor to go clean up any fluids left behind? Or take your kids for a school project and have them see that at a young age?

Regardless whether or not the person doing it looks hot, or if is or isn't your special interest or if you are into it or not, the law is the law. If you want to do stuff like this, do it in your place of living.

If this was a man people would be calling him a disgusting mysoginistic piece of stuff and looking for long sentences

If this was a man people would be calling him a disgusting mysoginistic piece of stuff and looking for long sentences
Which is why I call myself an equalist instead of a feminist. Some things aren't equal for men, either.

I don't-

If you don't like getting that warning message you can turn it off in your profile options. Posting about it does nothing except annoy other people.

I don't understand why people do this.

Which is why I call myself an equalist instead of a feminist. Some things aren't equal for men, either.