Author Topic: Promethus Life Rp, why?  (Read 5639 times)

Alright, first, I will start off with a warning for all those people who want to join role-play servers, do not join this server.

First off, when I joined the server, I had a look, I looked at the player-list and saw chaos, there were a bunch of admins and super admins, and then when I looked at the chat someone got de-admined. There was also a random death match at the time.

After this, the person said "BAN ME"

So, I decided to explore a little bit, I saw some buildings, a lot of them were spammy and un-finished, so I pointed out several flaws and what could be fixed so I could help the host, and at the time, there were what I think are radius impulse events forcing everyone to hit a wall, and take fall damage, which one of the super admins did.

Then the host decided to make every person on the server hunt down for all these events and where they were placed, instead of letting everyone role-play. The host also had a bunch of admins, about 4 or 5, the server population was 8.

Here comes the issue. Someone named Vonski26 (ID 34569) decided to say "Well if you dont like it so much I'm free to ban you." He also said "I don't like people h8ng on this server." <what?

Then he came out of his way, and decided to lie to everyone by saying that the server host put hard work into the server. A lot of the builds were created by the players, which looked crappy.

I don't understand how he was admined in the first place, he didn't do anything except shout at people so they could fix things.

I was then banned for hating, but I don't understand how saying this server needs improvement and trying to help is hating, but I didn't flame the server at all, I just said what could use improvement. (Ban reason, made me laugh a bit)

The reason I made this drama is so you could avoid having this horrible person, Vonski26 administrate your server, and to also avoid this server. I also have some pictures of the players it attracted (Horrible players) which I won't post. I also have more pictures of the build, which I will post if any of you need it. Sorry if I did not post enough evidence.

👏👏 Bravo for haterds! 👏👏

👏👏 Bravo for haterds! 👏👏

Hating? I'm not hating, I'm informing people not to join your server because it lacks good quality.

👏👏 Bravo for haterds! 👏👏

Aww thats cute you shut down because of me.
+10 rep

Maybe I shut down because it's almost midnight... Logic is not in the air is this guys forums! 😮

Maybe I shut down because it's almost midnight... Logic is not in the air is this guys forums! 😮

Ok, cool, why was there a sad face? Maybe you're just depressed.

I think Amir has a personal problem with Vonski... Vonski is a great admin. He probably made the right choice to remove you from the server.

I think Amir has a personal problem with Vonski... Vonski is a great admin. He probably made the right choice to remove you from the server.

I actually use to really like Vonski, I use to play with him on a server all the time, and he was also in a group with me, up until now.

Just remember, this is a game... Try to have fun. You went over board posting all this...

That guy is right, what has the Blockland Community come to?

That guy is right, what has the Blockland Community come to?

I don't think I can have fun if I'm being perma-banned for simply saying the serve could use some improvement, honestly?

Well, this post is only showing your side with your screen shots.  Promthus and Vonski would have a reasonable argument if they posted theirs. But why would they go to the trouble and post it publicly as you have? That's why after reading your post, it's pretty clear you have a personal problem with Vonski. You should really move passed that and stay away from servers with him. Vice-Versa. If you don't get along with someone, stay away... This post just makes you look like an angry monkey.

I don't have any troubles with Vonski, I'm not the one who banned you... He did. So stop pointing fingers at me.

Well, this post is only showing your side with your screen shots.  Promthus and Vonski would have a reasonable argument if they posted theirs. But why would they go to the trouble and post it publicly as you have? That's why after reading your post, it's pretty clear you have a personal problem with Vonski. You should really move passed that and stay away from servers with him. Vice-Versa. If you don't get along with someone, stay away... This post just makes you look like an angry monkey.

I already told you, Vonski USE to be a very good friend of mine, and if you don't believe that, I will show you the screenshots I have from playing with him from over the years, as I mentioned, I played with him a lot.

I don't feel like posting anymore.

saying "i have the right to ban you for h8ing" is a whole lot like being in a public area when someone informs you of your flaws you yell "i reserve the right to citizen's arrest you at any moment for harassment! i will call the police i have mace"