Author Topic: Things in public that piss you off v1  (Read 1087 times)

Today while at Walmart to get water-resistant boots because I'm getting tired of my regular boots getting soaked in the snow I was waiting in line at the checkout then this 5ish year old comes running to the drink cooler and she grabbed a monster energy with $5 in her hand and she bought it, With my mother being a nurse all I could think of was the bad things of drinking energy drinks at that age so it just made me pissed because this mother who CLEARLY saw her child buy a drink with more than enough caffeine and she just shrugged it off.

people who won't get off their phone while talking to cashiers or other people, it is just rude and just frustrates me. I swear people put more time in their phones than actual people.

That guy who smokes next to their toddlers

Discuss things that piss you off in public

Tried to ask someone for directions, but they just jumped off of the bridge they were standing on.

So rude.

I'm sitting in a bookstore right this second and there is some black guy standing right next to my chair. It's my paranoia getting spurred. Is this guy trying to look over my shoulder..?

I'm sitting in a bookstore right this second and there is some black guy standing right next to my chair. It's my paranoia getting spurred. Is this guy trying to look over my shoulder..?
Sorry, I uh- *leaves*

I'm sitting in a bookstore right this second and there is some black guy standing right next to my chair. It's my paranoia getting spurred. Is this guy trying to look over my shoulder..?
He wants your wallet, Run.

the amount of cheesiness that people put into kids toys
it's such a stupid underestimation
and it's even worse for the commercials, oh lordy
even though they're not entirely "public" they are on public television
so that counts

Fuccbois acting like fuccbois
Any other animal besides birds cuz birds are fly as forget
Rachet ass girls
Seeing too many brothers, and not enough hoes.
All of them brothers acting like hoes
Dropped food on the ground
Crackers in general

when people talk about how they can masturbate more than once a day in public.

people who dont pay attention to their children while they jump off of stairs and hurt themselves

Having to put on pants to go outside in the city.

people who dont pay attention to their children while they jump off of stairs and hurt themselves
More like jump off the building

people who don't pay attention/don't care about their children's bad manners
like loving srsly take control of your damn kids

people who give their children their own personal ipads

people who give their children their own personal ipads
Parents who believe their 4-12yr old should have an Ipad, Iphone, Galaxy, Whatever should be slapped

a couple's grope session in public