
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1244764 times)

The senior medical officer is currently tending to wounded in the infirmary.
Taylor approaches the medical officer looking around uncomfortably at the wounded.

"Is there any help i can offer? I'd rather not waste away here."

"Yes, really, me. With our CO and Geary dead, and Bell in the laid up in the infirmary, that pretty much leaves me as the highest-ranking member active member of Mjolnir,"
: ...Well, you've got some big boots to fill. Hope you're up to the task.

"Is there any help i can offer? I'd rather not waste away here."
They put Tippy to work doing menial tasks like fetching supplies and equipment for the doctors.

Jaakko looks down at the mud on the back of his helmet and rubs at it with his fingers.

"...I know," He says solemnly.

He blinks away a tear. It falls and hits the back of his helmet.

"I'd bet that they'll ground Bell, but have her take over the CO's spot, but that still leaves me as the first flight lead," he laments quietly.

Walt is unable to sleep and heads to the hangers to assist the Techs with aircraft repairs to get his mind of previous events.

Jaakko looks down at the mud on the back of his helmet and rubs at it with his fingers.

"...I know," He says solemnly.

He blinks away a tear. It falls and hits the back of his helmet.

"I'd bet that they'll ground Bell, but have her take over the CO's spot, but that still leaves me as the first flight lead," he laments quietly.
She flicks her cigarette away and lights another.
: Mmhm.

qwep pls
the thing is, flying an awacs seems like a whole different animal than flying a fighter
the reason we do the "transferred" thing so much is because that's just how it works, reinforcements have to come from somewhere
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 10:29:41 PM by Qwepir »

Ellie wanders the base, looking around for any Mjolnir pilots.

ah yes but he did both u see..

Tippy runs across Bell while running errands for the medical officer. She notices her condition.

"Oh. Bell, hi... are you doing alright?"

"Oh. Bell, hi... are you doing alright?"
Bell looks up from the folder she's reading.

"I'm doing well enough, don't overwork yourself, okay?"

Bell looks up from the folder she's reading.

"I'm doing well enough, don't overwork yourself, okay?"
"I wont... I uh... I don't have the heart to tell the rest of the members right now but Yukamo and Pags is dead. They didn't make it... I would have come forward with this sooner but I was..."

Tippy trails off and stares at the wall behind bell with a haunted look on her face.

Jaakko studies the dirt on his fingers, then looks to the sky and clouds. He realizes how hot the jungle is, with his G-suit compounding the heat.

He sighs as he thinks about how surreal the morning's events seem.

"I'm happy you all made it here in one piece, and that Musashi is okay. She was sleeping when Gus and I passed, we didn't disturb her,"

Jaakko looks back down to his helmet, studying the letters emblazoned over the visor. He looks utterly defeated.

"Sorry we couldn't hold our base,"

He immediately questions himself the usefulness of that line, but can do nothing about it. He stands silently, and wipes another tear from his helmet.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 11:48:41 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

"Sorry we couldn't hold our base,"
She shoots you an incredibly judgmental look before staring back off into space.
: If you're going to get anywhere as a squadron leader, you're going to have to stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself.

"I wont... I uh... I don't have the heart to tell the rest of the members right now but Yukamo and Pags is dead. They didn't make it... I would have come forward with this sooner but I was..."

Tippy trails off and stares at the wall behind bell with a haunted look on her face.

Bell waves her hand at Tippy to get her attention back.

"Take your time, it's probably better if you tell everyone once they've gotten some rest. It's been rough on everyone." Bell sighs and closes up the folder.

"For now, just write up a report on what happened and send it in to command."