Author Topic: Promethus (BLID: 56377)- Buildbotting stolen builds.  (Read 4490 times)

Yesterday, Promethus came to my server and started buildbotting stolen builds claiming they were his.
Here is the chat:

This is the house he first buildbotted, which I believe was made by Ephilates or somebody similar.

Then I went AFK for an hour, came back, and he claimed to have made this whole house in that time. The house was actually built by Brickitect.

He also took someone else's furniture.

I cant stand people who steal builds.  Even people who use others maps without credit given angers me. 


The amount of support needed to fit this would exceed the maximum character limit for posts.

/Support; he had another drama on him earlier where he and his admins were being similarly stuffty.

That last picture was Ingrid's NES.

I was there when Bricki built that house. Can confirm that it's his.

it's fine if he takes them honestly, but from personal experience he claims to have made everything which clearly wasn't built by him in the first place which is the bad thing.

Similar and entertaining: This kid went to my server and he never talked to anybody and he quickly jetted around the build and went afk

I knew he was going to save the build so I did quick thinking and banned him permanently for this reason: "Attempting to steal the build; mondaychicken."

I ban people who try to save my build without asking to save it since that means they want to steal it.

He also took someone else's furniture.

My NES and RCA colortrak! How did he even get those? I never gave him my trust.

You don't need trust to duplicate with Buildbot.

i love "I swear to Badspot I made this"

These builds are beautiful.


These builds are beautiful.


They were so beautiful I grew all my brain cells back.

Not sure about the first one but the 2nd definitely looks like brickikek made it.