
which one

23 (54.8%)
iphone 6
11 (26.2%)
other (post)
8 (19%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: should i get a gs5 or iphone 6?  (Read 2205 times)

I thought the g3 was metal
Also do you still have it? You should try cm with it, lgs software is slow

if you get a case the iphone 6 does not bend

That bending rumor is total BS, if you take care of it and don't sit on it, you're good. I don't have a case, and it's still straight as I bought it.

I thought the g3 was metal
Also do you still have it? You should try cm with it, lgs software is slow
My dad took the LG G3 and bought me and my mom iPhone 6's. He doesn't really care what his phone runs so I am not going to bother with it.

If you want your phone broken withing 2 months. Get Iphone.
If you want freedom and useless stuffty pre-installed apps. Get GS5
i have had an iphone 4s for 2 years and not a single scratch, and works amazing.
so i can confirm this is invalid

I would also suggest looking up iOS and Android comparisons.
I had this, absolutly hated it. Imo its build quality was stuff (I mean its plastic) and android was really laggy for me.

if you've been using a 1 ghz phone with 512 mb of ram for 2 years, anything is fast lol

I'd suggest

Galaxy Note 3
OnePlus One

My boyfriend has the LG G3, I have the OnePlus One, and 3 good friends of mine have the Galaxy Note 3.

My aunt has an iphone 6, it's not great, but I guess it's at least a little better than the other iphones aside from a less durable form factor (as far as I've heard).

As for the former 3, I'd suggest the OPO over all of them in terms of performance / specs (and price; if you're looking for an unlocked device, this is the cheapest by far of any of these phones). My personal second choice to that was the Note 3 because I like styluses, but I do believe that the resolution of the LG G3 appeals to more people.

Get S6 When ItS Out OK

SuRE whY Not?

t-mobile doesn't have a lot of android options. only appealing things are lg g3 and s5
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 09:21:45 AM by hillkill »

if you've been using a 1 ghz phone with 512 mb of ram for 2 years, anything is fast lol
Not really sure what your point is here... I specify said my iPhone was a lot faster than my past Android phones...

If you want your phone broken withing 2 months. Get Iphone.
If you want freedom and useless stuffty pre-installed apps. Get GS5
Well I mean if you are a person who treats a $600+ device like a rag doll, then yes this will happen; if not you wont have that problem.

Update: Oops double post.

you were talking about the g3

you were talking about the g3
That and also when I used a Galaxy S5 for about a week because my iPhone broke awhile back. Both are not that great of Android phones but still.

is that iphone 6 bending rumor bs?
I do heavy lifting all night (banging it around) with my phone in my pocket and zero bends.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 09:46:04 AM by Ben Grapevine »

SuRE whY Not?

t-mobile doesn't have a lot of android options. only appealing things are lg g3 and s5
Then get the G3.