Author Topic: Did a Blockland user on the dev list ever join your server?  (Read 1984 times)

Facechild did when I was using stealing SailorMan's Build and I instantly gave Facechild admin and he loaded a brick with a tree saying: "HELLO" or "HI"

So yeah, share your experiences!

Ephialtes joined my hungergames server once but he instantly disconnected
I think he joined by accident :l

btw this goes in General Discussion

badspot joined my server and then insulted it :0

I haven't hosted a server in over six years.

No because my server is a noob magnet

Badspot joined my bug mods server once. He killed a few dudes, but then left when he was smashed to death by a worm. :P

throughout the many times i've hosted, badspot has joined my servers 3 times

im not sure what his intentions were though because in all three experiences he seemed afk

I've seen Badspot a couple of times, and I believe Ephi once.

I think Badspot and Rotondo joined a server that I was co-hosting. Was pretty cool. They left a bit after though.

Badspot joined my bug mods server once. He killed a few dudes, but then left when he was smashed to death by a worm. :P
i am admin on this server therefore it counts as him joining my server

i went to highschool with nitramtj.

badspot joined a dm server I hosted a bit back, he walked around for a bit then left. The other people there were freaking out lol

i went to highschool with nitramtj.

What ever happened to him? He was a fun guy to play with.

What ever happened to him? He was a fun guy to play with.
what happened to you?

i went to a high school with uxie.