Author Topic: Does Blockland support animated textures?  (Read 4168 times)

I'm trying to make a weaponset based on the Vectorman games and I'd love it if I could have some nifty animations on some CI textures and inventory icons and also on some particles.

What kind of animated textures are we talking about here? You could apply a texture via UV mapping to an object and have the object rotate/move or hide itself within the weapon easily for some sort of effect, but having the texture itself be animated wont work.

Yes, but they don't automatically download to clients (even with download textures on). And clients will crash if they don't have them.

Yes, but they don't automatically download to clients (even with download textures on). And clients will crash if they don't have them.
How would you use them (assuming clients have the textures already) ?

How would you use them (assuming clients have the textures already) ?

%object.setIflFrame(texture name, frame index);

This is how the faces/decals system works

Each frame has to be a seperate texture file?

Each frame has to be a seperate texture file?

Animated texture files are text files where each line is the texture filename for that specific frame, yes.
The client simply autogenerates the list out of all the faces/decals it has for that system.

Err... do you know any small add-on that uses this as an example?

I don't know of any add-on that has used it.