Author Topic: Server crash threat  (Read 2426 times)

So, i was playing blockland, then suddenly, some guy joins with the name "Your server will crash". There isn't much information about this person, but possibly he did this to other servers as well. Sadly, i only got one screenshot of this event happening, so don't suspect a picture of the playerlist with his BL_ID. But i remember this player being a 96K BL_ID.

The event picture:

well, did it crash?

well, did it crash?
if it didn't, don't worry about it.

Although there isn't much information, i think he rejoined and said something, i don't really remember. But i think it was directed to the host or it was nothing.

The thing I hated most about server crashers was the fact that they felt all high and mighty by doing nothing. It's not like you made the script so get off your pedestal scumbags.

But hopefully server crashing is a thing of the past.

The thing I hated most about server crashers was the fact that they felt all high and mighty by doing nothing. It's not like you made the script so get off your pedestal scumbags.

But hopefully server crashing is a thing of the past.
The server didn't really crash though, the guy was probably just a 11 year old that watches to much XboxAddictionz.

The server didn't really crash though, the guy was probably just a 11 year old that watches to much XboxAddictionz.
im not sure what the point of this drama is then

im not sure what the point of this drama is then
forewarning of a potential threat

You don't hear news of a potential terrorist attack and just shrug it off

forewarning of a potential threat

You don't hear news of a potential terrorist attack and just shrug it off
the person hasn't done anything and is probably just a dingus sitting behind his computer screen

plus, we don't even know who the person is based on BL ID

im not sure what the point of this drama is then
The point is this person is threatning that the server will crash. He re joined i remembered and he said something directed to the host.

When i was just beginning blockland, i got the renderman mod and hosted a server. soon later, a guy called
"Phantom of the crash" comes in and crashes the game.

When i was just beginning blockland, i got the renderman mod and hosted a server. soon later, a guy called
"Phantom of the crash" comes in and crashes the game.
I think he had that crash hack/exploit thingy, but that's been patched so no more crash

Don't worry, 90 percent of these hacking or server crashing threats are empty. They probably couldn't make a computer say hello world to save their own life.

forewarning of a potential threat

You don't hear news of a potential terrorist attack and just shrug it off
I laughes my head off at this