Author Topic: Pass or Fail - Chapter 2: Die Führer, Die!  (Read 16388 times)

oh stuff he added me
OT: Help Biohazard with his disguise because he obviously isn't the right man to do it
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 04:59:10 PM by ButlerBlockhead125 »

abandon team to go to the museum to steal the world's most complete spinosaurus skeleton (of the time) and save it from being destroyed in an American bombing run.

i fukn swear if I die first again

Busy tonight, so I may not post.

dive roll through hole and use nearest guard as a human shield

prepare to roll a 0
Tumbleweed is bleeding out atm, so he could only roll a 1-6

Tumbleweed is bleeding out atm, so he could only roll a 1-6
its a joke

Sneak around to look for the armory.

Attempt to follow Rigel's lead(sneaking)

Also is this going to have chainguns and SS Guards yelling "MEIN LEBEN!" when they die? And Mecha Riddler? Seems like Chapter 2's title is a reference to Wolfenstein 3D.

Punch everyone in the room

May i join in on this Chapter?

bumpo because we need action

Again, I am busy. I will post around 8pm EST.

Lotsa actions about to take place, so pay attention


GI: Rolls a 33: As you are about to do everything, you have a slight brain fart and forget what you were doing.
Zoltan: Rolls a 86: You knock out the guards and fully medicate Final Walrus. Nice!
Final Walrus: Rolls a 63: You feel taco tuesday kick in and barf out a flame, blinding the approaching national socialists behind Zoltan.
Biohazard: Rolls a 23: You make another disguise, but it's even uglier and distasteful.
Cheezballer: Rolls a 74: You beat up the guard, take his weapon and throw him off of the tower to his death. Now who has the higher ground?
Resonte: Woohoo! You rolled a 94! You begin to eavesdrop onsome officers in the building, you overhear the following: there is a top secret weapon being held in the third basement level and the big man himself, Adolf, will be testing it out momentarily. You drop down stealthily and kill the head officer as the rest leave the room. You find a key marked "Elevator Access". Wunderbar! Erm... I mean, wonderful!
Juncoph: Rolls a 58: You are dropped in safely as back up, but you'll have to hustle as you landed a little far from the drop zone.
Superstaralien169: Wowza! You rolled a 93! Even though hodot is okay, you hear the wounded tumbleweed and go to his aid. You shoot the national socialist bastards that subdued him and revive him back to full health, medicating him properly. Nice save!
Legodude: Rolls a 10: You go into the vent, but as you shuffle around, it buckles under your weight and you fall right into SS custody. Damn.
ButlerBlockhead: Oh yeah! You rolled a 97! You make a perfect replica of an SS officers uniform to put onto biohazard as well as another one for yourself. You burn the one that Biohazard made.
Lego Lad: Zoinks! You rolled a 5! When you try to make your break for the museum, you are shot down by a guard. You are fatally wounded. First death roll: 1: You bleed out to death and faintly shout out a dying, "Rawr".
Rigel: Rolls a 24: You are subdued as you are caught sneaking around the armory.
tber: Rolls a 85: You sneak around Rigel and get into the armory. Picking up a mp40 as well as a chaingun! "Oh baby, you're mine", you say with an evil grin.
Cybertails: Rolls a 25: You punch yourself in the face, knocking yourself onto the ground.
Thunderstrike: Rolls a 77: You land in safely, nearby the path in which our other heroes made it in.
hodot: Rolls a 49: You attempt to roll, but it's sort of a half assed, paul blart stunt roll.

Current Player Statuses

hodototman (Final Walrus) - Alive
Legodude77 - Alive, in custody
The GI of MA - Alive
The Resonte! - Alive
tber123 - Alive
Tumbleweed - Alive
hodot - Alive
Cybertails 1998 - Alive
Biohazard - Alive
Zoltan - Alive
Lego Lad - Dead
Rigel - Alive, in custody
Superstarxalien169 - Alive
ButlerBlockhead125 - Alive
Cheezballer - Alive