Author Topic: Alternative - insensitive starfish  (Read 2863 times)

So if anyone of you have seen the last few threads on Alternative, in short format, he's a pretentious rooster mongler that when fed his own medicine, freaks the forget out.

I can't really quote everything in the thread that I'm posting here, but just read page 6 onward. He also carries on the handbag joke after the horse he beat is now a pulp.

You can also look at a few of his last posts to see how terrible of a trolling starfish he is.
Last Posts

Better yet, he completely drove a user into the ground turning everyone against the user and the user left because Alternative was just being himself, loving wonderful.
"The user known as Zanaran2"

Discuss this user we call a human being. Support me or not, I don't mind. I'll see your points and understand why but the true point of this topic is to prove that Alternative in general is a complete starfish.

I can't really quote everything in the thread that I'm posting here, but just read page 6 onward. He also carries on the handbag joke after the horse he beat is now a pulp.
Correction, read from this post onward.

I believe a better fitting term would be mentally unstable cunt

I am a victim!! i demand sympathy

For an argument there has to be 2 sides

We all agree he is an starfish so all he can say will dig him a deeper hole

For an argument there has to be 2 sides

We all agree he is an starfish so all he can say will dig him a deeper hole
sooner or later he's gonna barge in and start arguing

I mean, yeah he's a richard and a troll, but I don't think making a third drama is going to be very effective.

I mean, yeah he's a richard and a troll, but I don't think making a third drama is going to be very effective.
this exactly

making another drama is just going to move all the arguing here

this exactly

making another drama is just going to move all the arguing here
lol here we go

I mean, yeah he's a richard and a troll, but I don't think making a third drama is going to be very effective.

inb4fourthdramasobrbgonnamake onexddd