Author Topic: Dark Blockland Guard 2 is a terrible host.  (Read 5828 times)

Jeez, dude! Calm dem nipples. I built a snake out of 2x2s and destroyed it right after. Then he banned me without saying a word or telling me not to build it before hand.
that seems
extremely rational

Jeez, dude! Calm dem nipples. I built a snake out of 2x2s and destroyed it right after. Then he banned me without saying a word or telling me not to build it before hand.
I smell bullstuff. Not even the most moronic host you can find would ban someone for building a snake and then destroying it after constructing it. You've done something else for sure.

I smell bullstuff. Not even the most moronic host you can find would ban someone for building a snake and then destroying it after constructing it. You've done something else for sure.
You should smell Badmin. Thats literally all I did. He called me a cigarette afterwords and I just said "Dude, why cant you take a joke?" *Ban*

until he turned into a jerk.
"Jerk," sounds weird for an insult now-a-days.

You should smell Badmin. Thats literally all I did. He called me a cigarette afterwords and I just said "Dude, why cant you take a joke?" *Ban*
you have no evidence whatsoever so no one will believe you, especially when you're immature enough to admit building a 2x2 snake

I do not want to see his putrid ban reason ever again, he obviously a person who has no sense of humor.

these 3 words alone make me want to ban you
Much like Dark, you seem to have no sense of humor.

Much like Dark, you seem to have no sense of humor.

Much like Dark, you seem to have no sense of humor.
Unlike you he has a sense of humor that has developed past a 5 year old's level

Unlike you he has a sense of humor that has developed past a 5 year old's level
Okay, holy stuff. I should have listened to my friend when he said not to get involved on the forums. I TRY to make a post warning the Blockland community about a badmin and to stay away from his server, and I get hate for not having screenshots. Blockland forums in a nutshell, everyone!

"Jerk," sounds weird for an insult now-a-days.
Didn't really want to risk a ban at the time. I'm a forum noob. :(

Jeez, dude! Calm dem nipples. I built a snake out of 2x2s and destroyed it right after. Then he banned me without saying a word or telling me not to build it before hand.

he probably thought it wasn't funny because it isn't

and I get hate for not having screenshots. Blockland forums in a nutshell, everyone!

you realize that you can go into a singleplayer game and press pageup in order to see previous chat messages on other servers right?

all you have is a ban message, that isn't enough evidence to support your cause, it sort of shows that you're hiding something.

It seems like you can't take a simple joke.
You should also be providing more screenshots besides just the ban reason.
Provide screenshots of the origin of the ban and what was going on in the chat, at the time, i'm starting to think you were messing with him or pissing with him.